So Kodak’s CEO said that film is dead. Hmmm! I suspect in a few years he will have to eat his foolish words.

My wife has traveled all over the world. I on the other get to stay home a mow the lawn, Go figure. She tells me the rest of the world shoots film and only American’s buy digital cameras. Lets face it guys, only in America do we find foolish people who are willing to pay $1000, $1500, $3000, $5000, or even $8000 for a dinky DSLR knowing the camera will be out dated and unsupported in two to three years. The rest of the world knows better. It is these foolish Americans that are Kodak’s CEO groupies!

Fuiji on the other hand knows this and is just sitting quietly on the side line. Fuiji is well established in the remainder of the world and has a respectable market share in the US. When Kodak goes all digital, Fuji will pick up the slack. Fuij also knows that unlike film which is consumable, digital is not. Eventually, those foolish people will run out of money and will be unable to buy any more foolish expensive cameras. At that point we have market saturation and poor Kodak will start to decline just like most of the computing industry has done today (except for Apple).

I am a LF C41 color negative guy who currently shoots Portra 160 VC. I suspect within four years I will be shooting Fuiji film and laughing at Kodak’s decline. To bad Kodak has such a foolish CEO. Oh well. What to do.

PS I suspect that there will be lots of flames with this string. Hmmm...