Quote Originally Posted by Jim Jones View Post
The Custer Battlefield will be more meaningful if you study up on it first. I have about 30 books on the battle, and they leave me with more questions than answers.

I took your advice! While I don't have time to read 30 books before I leave, I did watch the entire 1941 documentary, "They Died With Their Boots On," starring Errol Flynn and Olivia de Haviland. I think I'm in good shape now.

I took my lenses out today and did some measuring. The 1858 Derogy Petzval is 6 inch f4, and 10 inch f6.3 converted. The E&HT Anthony RR is 4 inch f10. I just rounded that off to f11 to make it easier. The five stops would then be f11, 16, 22, 32, 45.

The trip will just be my wife and I; kids are now off on their own. No more yelling at the to get up and get going in the morning! I have several places in mind that I'd like to photo with the old lenses between Montana and the West Coast. I've been inspired by my region's photographers of he 1870/80s! I had a thought that if I took two photos with my Chamonix 4x5--one shifted left & one shifted right, maybe I could use those to make my own stereographs from the two negatives? Any reason that wouldn't work? I've been toying with the idea of buying an 1880s Scovill 5x8 stereo and having Star Camera or someone make me a couple of holders for film that I could use. That might be a project for another year.

"Our hearts so stout have got us fame,
For soon 'tis known from whence we came.
Where 'ere we go they dread the name
Of Garryowen in glory."

Kent in SD