I apologize for what is probably a dumb question from a large format newbie - how in the world do I send my exposed 4x5 film out for processing? I was going to crank up my darkroom and process the film in my old Unicolor and Beseler drums, but decided I just don't have the time. So how do I send out my exposed Velvia? I've got both quickloads and sheet film. I've got an Epson 4990 that I plan to use along with Photoshop CS2 and send the scanned images to Costco for printing on the Fuji Crystal Archive paper. Works well with my medium format transparencies. There doesn't appear to be a local lab that I can take my film holders to, and I sure don't want to mail them out and hope I get mine back. I only have one film box, and am not inclined to send it out with just a few pieces of film. And what about the quickloads? They are going to need a lot more than just an envelope with some stiffener in it, aren't they? Thanks for the help, and my apologies for asking such a basic question that I should probably know the answer to.