I was planning on getting a 90 that I could use primarily for 4x5 & occasionally 5x7 (possibly for some panos)
I currently use my 210 for 95% of my shots, and a 12 inch commercial ektar for the balance.

My favorite focal length's tend to be 80 or 105 & 150 in 6x7 format.

I was considering a 90, but am wondering if a 120 may be more versatile.
I tend to shoot some architecture and some landscape, but mostly people.

Not sure what would be better go wide and crop when needed, or go narrower and back up

Thinking maybe a Schneider 120 or rodenstock 90 6.8...I think the 120 focal would be more appropriate for me (based on my other format lens usage), but want to hear some feedback before I make a purchase.

