My name is Katherine Gillis. I have compressed 23 years of experience into a course for analog photographers called: "Become a Fearless Traditional Retoucher & Spotter." The course has 6 Modules and gives step-by-step techniques, tools and examples to perfectly apply dyes to B&W prints. A FREE Tools & Resources checklist is on my website at and currently I am mailing out an outline a day of what contents are in each module for those who get the checklist.

This is an extraordinarily niche course and I did it because I don't want the art and skill set to be lost forever. It has taken well over a year to collaborate on this course which will be accessible on a recognized online school platform. This is a premium course and is the next best thing to being hands on with all the before and after photos, videos (some real time), audio and pdfs. The course will launch early January 2017.