I would also suggest sticking around. Think of this as a microcosm of life. There are a bunch of people brought together by an interest in common -- but otherwise they are incredibly diverse. And sometimes that diversity of temperament and attitude means there will be incidents of people rubbing each other the wrong way. And there are a few people with the unenviable (and unpaid, and thankless) task of trying to keep it all on the rails and pointed in a more or less constructive direction (if you'll excuse the abysmal metaphor salad). And sometimes you won't like the way they do that job, but such is life.

Of course there have been a few incidents where collisions of values have been particularly distressing (and I'll admit, one or two that have left me saddened), but hey, have you seen the news lately? That's the world in a nutshell, there's no getting away from it.

What it does not do is take away from the immense richness of knowledge- and experience-sharing about the reason we are here.
For the most part I find it helpful to just pay no attention to threads that get fighty, and when something does distress me, to remember that the forum doesn't actually owe me anything. It's just people.

So to nick a quote from Douglas Adams: 'Share and Enjoy'