Quote Originally Posted by Jim Noel View Post
...If any part of the process isn't up to standard, including attempting to make a contact print on enlarging paper, some part of the beauty is lost...
On this I disagree. I have 6,000 sheets of 8x10 Azo on hand, so my opinion isn't a result of not knowing the medium.

I find prints made on Ilford Multigrade Warmtone RC to be every bit as beautiful, if not more so, than those printed on Azo. Yet another situation that proves beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Quote Originally Posted by Vaughn View Post
...A recent show I had of platinum prints from contacted 6cmx6cm (120 film) images brought this to my attention. Images that would have looked great at just 8"x8" did not 'work' as contact prints -- just too busy at that size and composition fell apart...
What paper was the platinum coated on? Smoothness/texture? Might they have 'worked' better on a sharp silver paper rather than platinum?