this is one of those horrible "What lens can I buy?" threads ... sorry in advance.

I have a small personal project to do at the end of May for which a 360mm-ish lens would be nice to have.

It doesn't have to be in a shutter as the exposure times will be rather lengthy due to location, lighting and likely aperture to be used.

It would need to cover 8x10, but movements would not likely be required. If there was significant falloff - or even a bit of mechanical vignetting - it wouldn't matter too much though.

"Signature" can take care of itself, so I don't care whether it's a Rapid Recti, Petzval, Tessar, triplet, Dialyte or even a Cronkite.

I really don't want to spend more than a few dozen GBP, as it's a lens I will use once for sure and then rarely; I really don't want to buy a "nice" lens for a few hundred and resell once I'm done with it (because of course I'll never resell it due to my magpie tendency)

I see dozens of projector lenses on eBay in the right price range, but have no idea which are good for my needs (plus I'd have to jury-rig some sort of aperture arrangement, which might be rather unsatisfactory)

What I do keep seeing are 360mm Apo-Ronars and Lomo RF-4s also in the right price range, but google as I might I can't seem to establish whether these have the right sort of coverage.

So I'd like to know if the latter lenses cover 8x10 (even if only just), and if not, what other (crappy is fine) lenses might meet my requirements?

I'm in the UK, remember, so what's cheap and easily available in the US or Japan might not be in the EU. And importing gear can be hideous in terms of import duty, taxes and shipping