OK, I tray developed 3 sheets of 7x17 Tri-X tonight and saw the strangest thing when transferring the film from the ABC Pyro developer to the stop bath - a (fairly) bright green light under the sheet of film when first inserted into the stop. This greenish light covered the whole area underneath the film right to the edges and flared (brightened) with agitation but then petered out. I've never seen this before (although my friend Roger sees green lights that aren't there, but nevermind) and just can't figure out what caused this! The only thing I can think of is that Edward Weston was communicating to me (via the ABC) in effect saying GO, keep photographing! I've been in a photo funk lately and today was the first I've been out in months. Any ideas of what caused the green light? Anyone else ever see this? The negs came out fine BTW! (I was worried that the green light may have fogged them)

BTW, can anyone tell me how to get rid of the dark pyro stains lining the bottom edge of my formerly pristine white developing tray?

Richard K.