Various online discussions about the pending demise of Agfa and in particular the loss of Rodinal have mentioned Photographers Formulary’s version of that developer as an alternative.

My impression has always been that Agfa kept the chemical formula secret and therefore these “imitation” Rodinals were only educated guesses, not exact copies.

So, some questions arise within my little gray cells:

1. Anyone have extensive experience with the Formulary brew, and just how comparable is it? This would, of course, involve various dilution and agitation routines.

2. Would not the “original pre-war formula” Calbe R09 from JandC be a closer match to modern Rodinal?

3. Or is it time to move on to one of the lesser-touted but equally-wondrous potions, such as the FX-1 family, Neofin Blau, FX-39 or (my old favorite) Ethol T.E.C.?