I am curious re: the use of the Zone System as compared to a "Non Zone system" usage amongst the forum readers/shooters.

Let me be a bit more specific using myself as an example. There are times I envy those who practice the Zone system (a la Adams et al)-----going for the longest range of whites to blacks in their imagery----technical wizardry. Pushing the film to its ultimate usage as well as making prints with likewise long ranges of tones. I commend you, but I am not there.

Yes, I somewhat use contraction/reduction in my exposures/processing, metering , etc., however, as stated above, I'm not laboring over the Zone System. I am content getting a wide range of tones as possible using my system & relying on my Ilford paper & use of Dekol as well as having a "decent" negative. I say again, a "decent " negative.

So the question on my mind is thus: Are forum readers intent upon the usage of the Zone System in creating their negatives or are forum readers using "their modified Zone System" (like mine)? Which is the Majority or the Non Majority?

Please keep in mind that I identify with David Vestal's philosophy et al that the important end result is a print that is "meaningful, personal & says something", and that is what I strive for in my imagery. I believe I am successful to that end.

Your comments or methods used, please