Quote Originally Posted by Gadfly_1971 View Post
I really wish they'd stop referring to it as "Direct Positive" paper. It's not. To continue to call it that is disingenuous at best and an outright fabrication at worst.

I can't see backing this project unless they can be considerably more clear about what the paper is, and what is required for its use. Personally, I'd like to see this project yanked from Kickstarter until they can be more upfront about what it is they're making.
Unfortunately the way subscribers have slowed it appears they won't make their goal. Pity really, I'm in for 25 of the 8x10 and would really like to try this paper. I'm probably one of the very few who is only interested in the high speed aspect and intended to use regular developer to obtain a negative. Is there another 600 paper shooters in LF in the whole world?