Hi. Does anyone use a Nikor 4x5 tank for Tech Pan and Technidol? I'm still a LF beginner but I have had pretty good luck with other B&W films and the Nikor tank. But, according to the Kodak directions, there are very different instructions for 4x5 sheet film (in trays) and roll films in tanks.

The roll instructions call for 1 packet to make 8 ounces of developer. So I would need 4 or 5 packets to make enough to fill the nikor tank. Dunk the reel into the tank, then shake up and down like crazy for 2 seconds every 30 seconds. After the developing the liquid can be used again with an added minute of developing.

The tray technique uses 2 packs for a quart of working developer to develop 12 sheets as a one shot developer. Perhaps I would use this diluted mix and agitate the film in the tank as I would with normal film such as Tri-X.

I'm thinking of going with the shake like crazy roll film process with 8-10 sheets in the tank. And using the developer 2x. I have a pretty limited amount of film and developer so any experienced advice would be much appreciated.
