Quote Originally Posted by austin granger View Post
Thank you Joe. You are always very kind.

As for what's inside my head, I imagine it's not much different than what's inside most people's heads, that is, a roiling ocean of thoughts and desires and well worn dead ends. Oh wait, is that just me? :-) Seriously, I can certainly relate to all of the things you mentioned experiencing when you are out looking for photos, but I think the last thing (something that "calls out" to be photographed) is the thing I relate to the most. I was thinking about it this morning (I saw your note last night but wanted to stew on it) and it struck me that when I'm out photographing, it's more like listening than anything. That is, when I'm out roaming around, I try to still that roiling ocean of thoughts and just "listen." Honestly, I never really know what it is I'm looking for, but I know it when I see it, or "hear" it. The subject is a thing that "sounds" (like sounding a bell) within me. It is a thing that I recognize, an external representation of an internal condition. If things are going really, really well (photographically speaking), it feels like the world IS my mind, or that my self has expanded to encompass the whole universe.

Reading that last bit back over, I imagine I sound like I'm completely nuts.
That's pretty reasonable. I'm nodding sort of in agreement. It's not nuts compared to what many artists write. Joe I was on one of those enraptured outings Saturday. I had two rolls of film and ran out (12 shots per roll). I enjoyed what I had. I couldn't call my wife to bring me more since she was snowed in. Now I'm going to keep a pro-pack of 5 rolls in my jacket pocket for next time that happens.