It seems people think there is an endless supply of any darkroom equipment, both new and used.

As the 500 watt enlarger bulb thread shows, maybe not.

I try to be proactive and make sure I find what I want for my darkroom now and as long as I live. Who knows? Mom is still kicking at 94. I may go today...or not.

Regardless, I think it is wise to buy what you can now. I bought new paper safes last year from Adorama, they still have them, I just checked and at cheaper than used prices. When I bought mine, they had free shipping on 20X24 paper safe. Not now.
So many have become spoiled by giveaways, that they expect this to continue. I doubt it. I see CL enlarger prices moving up.

Sandy king's book was a sellout in China. When China wants something, perhaps LF gear, they will get it. What if they love LF film?

I just bought 5X7 film made in Shanghai, from Taiwan. I have not shot it yet.

Somebody's seeing a market.

When the left over Darkroom gear, new LF cameras, new lenses are gone most likely we will never make them again. Yes custom is always available. Takes a winter to get a new custom camera.

Gas is so cheap in USA driving anywhere for something is now feasible.

My point is, if you want it, buy it now.