I was wondering if anyone was using Instagram... you know... us old geezers (speak for yourself) who use big cameras to make beautiful images... not hipsters who flood the world with garbage. Becky Senf, a friend of mine, and assistant curator at the CCP in Tucson, just raves about IG, but she is also a little younger than most of us and has fallen for the gimmick, I mean "allure" of vernacular photography. So, my college age daughter got me started on Instagram and I have been curating my images, resizing them to 640 px square and copyright watermarking them. From what I see, IG is mostly a bunch of narcissistic twits with iPhones, and everyone is a "photographer". I am hesitant to "like" most of the people who like my work because, well, I'm just not digging their work. So my question, is there anyone here successfully using IG as a marketing tool? Thanks for indulging me... I had three glasses tonight!