Let's start with the fact that I'm relatively new to LF photography.

Purchased my equipment from various sellers, and for the most part it all seems really great shape. But after traveling and shooting in Maine and other places, I found that sometimes the negatives have some issues, and the only thing I can relate it to is some kind of light leak issue, most likely with the holders.

I have to shoot with a full dark sheet over the camera, but sometimes I don't like if I'm in the middle of the street and want to make sure I don't get run over by a car but I can't see. However that doesn't seem to make a difference in terms of any issues.

But I am thinking that the way that I remove my dark slide may come into it, I keep reading back-and-forth information about it so I'm asking you guys, is it okay to remove the Dark side fully, or do the felt insides sometimes wear out over time and is it best to leave it partially in the holder sticking out?

I would think that if you left it partially in, there's a chance the edges of the entrance could have light leak and could cause more problems, also in high wind situations that would cause the camera to have more vibration.

I noticed that my Polaroid back holders there is a white inked line to indicate where you should pull the Darkside out to and then leave it without fully removing it while still not interfering with the image. Which is what made me think that you should be leaving the Darkside partially in, in the first place, before that I thought you were always supposed to remove it fully

So what's the verdict? Thanks!