I just got a green magnesium C-1 and it is very light and relatively easy to work with. I'm mostly using mine in the studio with a Kodak Commercial Ektar 14", so I have no problems reaching the ground glass to focus with the rail extended. If anything, I feel like it is a touch wobbly, and not as locked-down as my Shen-Hao 4x5, but then my Shen Hao is 2 years old, whereas the C-1 is about 35 years old. I got an old Gitzo pan/tilt head with a huge platform, quite inexpensively, at B&H, and it fit quite well onto a set of JTL legs that I have used for my 4x5. In the studio, this seems to be more than adequate to support the weight. I'll keep you posted of my progress with it.