I'm making an attempt to lurk no longer! I finally have a scanner, so I can post some of my projects on here. I've been a photojournalist for more than a decade, and intend to explore the more artistic side of photography.

There aren't many people around here who shoot large format, which is a shame. Fortunately, I have a Jobo setup, and the capability of doing RA4 and C-41 at home, in addition to B&W. Before that, I had to send my negs off to Texas for processing!

My favorite part of the site is the Image Sharing & Discussion board. It is always inspiring to see what creative souls can do with melted sand, grains of silver and a little light.

Oh, and the Flaming Lips are from my hometown of Oklahoma City, hence the title. If you don't know them, check out some of their music. Get ready for a psychedelic freakout!