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Thread: Show and panel discussion -- East SF Bay, CA (PhotoCentral Hayward)

  1. #1
    Vaughn's Avatar
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    Jan 2007
    Humboldt County, CA

    Show and panel discussion -- East SF Bay, CA (PhotoCentral Hayward)

    Hello! I am in a group show with some great folks -- opens Sept 30th.

    Quite exciting -- also involved with putting up the show, which is quite an education. Fantastic work -- check out the link. Title is "Made by Hand". Thanks!
    "Landscapes exist in the material world yet soar in the realms of the spirit..." Tsung Ping, 5th Century China

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    South Carolina

    Re: Show and panel discussion -- East SF Bay, CA (PhotoCentral Hayward)

    Quote Originally Posted by Vaughn View Post
    Hello! I am in a group show with some great folks -- opens Sept 30th.

    Quite exciting -- also involved with putting up the show, which is quite an education. Fantastic work -- check out the link. Title is "Made by Hand". Thanks!
    I look forward to seeing those in attendance for Vaughn's workshop and others who show up for the panel discussion and exhibition at PhotoCentral in Hayward, CA this weekend. I will be at PhotoCentral Friday evening for the beginning of Vaughn's workshop, most of the day on Saturday, and part of the day on Sunday. Plan to leave on Sunday before the end of the day for a short trip to Yosemite, before I return home on Tuesday.

    In addition to the prints I contributed to the exhibition I will also have some larger monochrome carbon prints that will be available for viewing. This will include both prints on sized art papers as well as prints on fixed out silver papers of various types so it will be a good opportunity for those interested to see carbon prints of various subject matter on different final substrates.

    If you are in the area and have carbon prints so share hope you will find time to make it to Hayward during the event.

    For discussion and information about carbon transfer please visit the carbon group at

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Ex-Seattlelite living in PNW

    Re: Show and panel discussion -- East SF Bay, CA (PhotoCentral Hayward)

    V. cool, Vaughn. Congrats.


  4. #4
    New Orleans, LA
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    Oct 2004

    Re: Show and panel discussion -- East SF Bay, CA (PhotoCentral Hayward)

    Congrats! Looks like a very interesting exhibition.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: Show and panel discussion -- East SF Bay, CA (PhotoCentral Hayward)


  6. #6
    Vaughn's Avatar
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    Jan 2007
    Humboldt County, CA

    Re: Show and panel discussion -- East SF Bay, CA (PhotoCentral Hayward)

    What a great workshop experience. I love it when I learn as much as my participants in a workshop!

    We had 8 students and what ended up to be 4 instructors. Sandy was a wealth of knowledge and experience -- which he shared freely during most of the laying out a score or more carbon prints made in different ways to show the participants. Jim Fitzerald and John Thacker lent their expertise as well.

    We had both digital negatives and film -- and some wonderful prints were made. There were enough mistakes made to be instructive for everyone. The workshop space was top notch and was surrounded by the show that was up -- Made by Hand, with prints by Linda Conner, me , Jerry Uelsmann, Brian Taylor, Sandy King, Kerik Kouklis and others -- was inspiring.

    A very productive weekend!

    Thanks again, Sandy, for adding so much to the workshop!
    Last edited by Vaughn; 3-Oct-2017 at 16:01.
    "Landscapes exist in the material world yet soar in the realms of the spirit..." Tsung Ping, 5th Century China

  7. #7
    LF/ULF Carbon Printer Jim Fitzgerald's Avatar
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    Vancouver Washington

    Re: Show and panel discussion -- East SF Bay, CA (PhotoCentral Hayward)

    Vaughn, thanks for letting me stand off to the side and lend a hand. It was wonderful for me to finally meet Sandy and see his work. He brought many nice large carbon prints to share and was a great help to the students. They did get the bonus of your expertise as well as John's and Sandy's and mine. This was by far the best workshop I've ever been to. The space was awesome and the enthusiasm was awesome. Everyone went home with some amazing prints and they all said how much they learned in a very welcoming environment. Congratulations on a job well done and being in a wonderful show.

  8. #8

    Re: Show and panel discussion -- East SF Bay, CA (PhotoCentral Hayward)

    Great to see the show and Vaughn is as wonderful can be. Jim also makes some killer images.

  9. #9

    Re: Show and panel discussion -- East SF Bay, CA (PhotoCentral Hayward)

    ..and I should mention Sandy is wonderful also.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    South Carolina

    Re: Show and panel discussion -- East SF Bay, CA (PhotoCentral Hayward)

    As Jim mentions this was a great workshop. John Thacker did a great job in planning the activity, as did Vaughn in hanging the work of the exhibition and in teaching the carbon workshop, and Jim in being there and sharing his knowledge of carbon with the group. And a great group of enthusiastic and hard working students! Also, a well attended panel directed by Geir Jordal on various aspects of the meaning and relevance of hand made photography.

    Geir and Kate Jordal, the founders/directors of PhotoCentral, organized a great event that clearly demonstrates the importance and relevance of hand made photographs produced with vintage historical processes, contact printed with both large format film negatives and digital negatives.

    After the workshop I spent a couple of days in Yosemite. I forgot my guide to the location of Ansel Adams' tripod holes and probably missed out on many good shots, but just being there gave me a much better understanding of the beauty of the place and of the obstacles that would have been faced by early landscape workers like Carleton Watkins in working with the Mammoth format (18"X22") in this beautiful but rugged terrain.

    Last edited by sanking; 4-Oct-2017 at 13:06.
    For discussion and information about carbon transfer please visit the carbon group at

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