Quote Originally Posted by Matus Kalisky View Post
Now that is what I call creative approach - thank you a lot for all your advices and ideas. Let me go through there step by step

Although the original idea is NOT to use a 4x5 camera, I am reconsidering all the possibilities. The point is to find a camera that would lend itself better for longer trips (like visiting New Zealand or Patagonia) that would allow me to take the photos a little bit faster and allow me to use roll film and so save the weight of film holders (5 4x5 film holders weight 1kg) and changing tent and make also the flying part a bit easier.

Graflok back for Tachi:
First of all - is I remain in the 4x5 'business', than I will change my Tachi for something else - the main reason being that the camera is not well suited for lenses wider than 90 (I have 75 and it is really tough to use and I get nearly no movements). So I would not be looking for a graflok back for it.

But if I get another 4x5 camera - it will most probably be heavier than the Tachi and would not really serve the purpose of lighter and simpler (faster to use) 6x12 camera (I am looking into metal cameras this time - Toyo VX125, Arca-Swiss F-field or Linhof TK45S or similar)

I am aware of the Xpan of course and have to admit that it is really a very interesting camera, but my main point is - I am really after 2:1 ratio - so 6x12 would fit well. The more common 2.7:1 is just too much for my taste somehow and also find the 35mm film a bit too ... little. But concerning the simplicity and compactness the Xpan is miles ahead of any other option, so point taken.

Slide-under-GG 6x12 holder (a'la Sinar Zoom):
I have just checked with the Tachihara - it would be no problem to slide 1 inch (or even more) thick roll film holder under the GG.
The question that remains is - how heavy are the holders available, and which actually hold the film nicely flat?

"Normal" 6x12 cameras (a'la Horseman SW612):
Do not come with tilt movement - although it should be no big problem to make the back tilt-able for a few degrees, but that would be a custom work what probably means a lot of $$$

"Normal" 6x12 (or 6x17 for that matter) cameras add one more problem - as soon as one wants to carry more than 1 lens (I would be interested in 2 - 3) than the bulk and weight grows very fast - as each lens has its dedicated mount-cone with its own helical focusing. However if the camera just were to have a "nice little bellows" than the lenses could be mounted in a similar manner to view cameras.

Using half-dakslide with 4x5:
I did that in the past, but one needs really to be careful which part of the film was actually exposed. Also one needs to keep in mind during composition & focusing which half of the GG actually shows the image that will be recorded. Doable, but it adds several mistake sources. One can indeed produce 2 panoramic shots that size-wise are somewhere between dedicated 6x17 and Xpan. But again - the proportions are not what I want.

Another option is of course to use something like Fuji GW690 and either live with the format or crop it down - in that case I would probably just stay with 6x9.

6x17 view cameras:
As mentioned by toyotadesigner there are (at least) 6x17 view cameras by Ebony and ShenHao. I have even found a 6x17 monorail on eBay caller "V-Pan MKIII) (see 270967413295). As interesting as these cameras look, these are not really smaller or lighter than field 4x5 camera (although the Ebony looks nice with the hinged GG)


Now - where does this leaves me - it seems like I am after camera that nobody before me wanted or needed. That either suggest that my approach is either not correct or everyone else does not get it

So - what would you do .... a 3 week trip to Patagonia with your wife ... you travel a lot ... maybe with a camper van ... you try not to spend 20 minutes per shot ... and you like film ... and do not want to stitch your panoramas ... and want print a few 15x30" once you get home ...
Linhof 617 Technorama with or without the shift option. Linhof Technorama 612 PC II, Linhof 56x120mm Techno Rollex 612 roll back for any Graflok backe 45.