dg: Careful here. I am a professional of many years as a photo/illustrator. I own a V. It is my forth career Technika. The body of the Technika is a precision casting, with precision machining to incredible tolerances. I also have two metal lathes and perform precision machinging to very fine tolerances. I wouldn't touch that modification with a ten foot pole. First, are you really sure you need that lens rise that a flap will give you? I'll bet that with Technika shooters...about 2% will ever use it. Second,..with all the contortions you can put that Technika in...you can find a way to get around the problem. Third, I think less than half of the Technika shooters ever really use the drop-bed, lens rise, back adjustments to accomplish what you need. You might well risk the situation where you loose a fine camera and consign it to the trash heap if you tinker with it. Do what you must....but use great caution and be aware of the risk. Good luck.