It's truly great that we will finally have what is purported to be an outstanding contact paper at a reasonable cost, with a test run available now and a production run early in 2090. I notice that the sizes available will include 8x10, 11x14 then 8x20 then 20x24. I would like to make a request that we forgo the somewhat unnecessary 8x20 size and that 16x20 be made available instead. I can see that this size (8x20) would benefit *8x20 users (I'm one) but it's easy enough to cut 16x20 in two. 16x20 will be more useful (and cheaper!) to users of 14x17 than 20x24 (which can also be cut to give three 8x20 sheets) and it's only a marginal hardship to cut 16x20 in two.

Very happy that it's double weight!

*and 7x17, but 16x20 will offer the same wasteage for 7x17 users as 8x20 paper