Quote Originally Posted by 3LeggedPanda View Post
Hi there!
The budget is just for the camera, yes. And maybe a few holders if I can manage it.

I thought about a 4x5 SLR as well for some time, but then I figured I'd like to go a bit bigger -- hence the 8x10. But nailing the focus on shallow DoF is very important to me, so maybe I need to give 4x5 SLRs a second look, even if it means having smaller negatives.

Any recommendations of 4x5 SLRs?
Thank you very much
There are Graflex SLR's and Mentor SLR's as far as i know.
Graflex SLR's in 4x5 are rare and expensive. In good shape and with an interesting lens you will have to pay at least 1000-1500 Euro
It's almost impossible to find a 5x7, and If you find one, you will usually have to replace the shutter. They are very heavy and focussing is difficult.

I have got a 4x5 Graflex Super D with the Dallmeyer Pentac f 2.9. and three smaller 3x4 Series D which I modified to shoot 4x5 Film with a coverage of 4x4.5. They are my favorite LF- portrait-cameras.

Mentor SLR's are not that hard to find in Europe, but repairing is much more difficult.