Morning all....

I got a LF camera at the end of last year and have shot a little bit with it, though this has only been with Polaroid so far for two reasons:
1) instant feedback for changes to set-up.
2) I don't have the processing kit for 5x4 negs.

I've previously developed my own 35mm & 6x6 MF at home in a little paterson tank. However, it wouldn't be big enough for (multiple, if that is poss) LF negatives...

I don't have much room, nowhere that is fully sealed as a darkroom (but might be able to get this if I try), and not got loads of time either...

Hence, I'd love recommendations for developing own LF stuff.... Are the motorised jobo tanks worthwhile? How easy is it to send things off to processing companies?

Yes, these are stupid questions but they need answering if I'm going to start shooting again!

Thanks in advance!