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  1. Re: B&W King 5x7 tank processing issues - help me solve them!

    I've never used the king tank or the Nikon reels, have you come across any instruction for the Nikon reels ? similar looking materials, they might offer you clues .. I have to admit I gave up using...
  2. Replies

    Re: post alternative techniques

    this is an ephemeral photogram watermelon and bloodred dress made on kodak photo paper using sunlight, uv and found objects, I scanned it and adjusted the levels and made a print on red river paper...
  3. Replies

    Re: Mounting filter behind barrel lens?

    :). glad I could help!

    I know, photography can definitely be weird science! node points, focus shift, paralyzing parallax shift, reciprocity, hyper speeding, infectious exposure and...
  4. Replies

    Re: Mounting filter behind barrel lens?

    hi creation bear
    They used to make these things called a Xenophone that attached to the lens board behind the lens and you'd slip the acrylic filter in there,
    what she's using might be similar but...
  5. Replies

    Re: New product tease: Smartflex 4x5

    what a great looking modern GSLR... I remember Ron Wisner was selling a SLR but it didn't have the integrated roller blind shutter, it's shutter was on the lens like a regular 4x5 ..
    if I didn't...
  6. Replies

    Re: Composition & Tight Framing

    as always, great video, it's always fun to see your studio practice you cracked me up easy peasy and BOOM it's gone LOL.
    that's a sweet level! ive never seen a giant block level like that b4... ...
  7. Re: Do I sell a lens separately from its accessories like a center filter?

    exactly ! center filter NEW from B+W for a Schneider SA ( 65mm ) 20 years ago cost 300 $ ... it's not a cheep date .
  8. Re: Would the masters of the past have embraced digital photography?

    just sayin', there is probably just as much garish photography using film. it takes a certain mind set to know when to stop, or when not to start.
  9. Re: Would the masters of the past have embraced digital photography?

    I almost did a transfer of a 54K image the other day on am abacus it didn't work very well, I ran out of those beads cause the image wasn't compressed enough!
    LOL, I was thinking Zoolander, but it's...
  10. Replies

    Re: Repairing bellows with fabric paint

    if you have pinholes. use a small brush and mix some India ink into PVA glue, that can help too
  11. Re: Would the masters of the past have embraced digital photography?

    the problem isn't they wouldn't want to use the camera, it's they had no computing power .. it's hard to upload TIFF files to a slide rule
  12. Re: Is there a free site that will host your images in their original full resolution

    maybe a huge image is too big for the bot to swallow?
  13. Re: Is there a free site that will host your images in their original full resolution

    Personyidworry about pirates. Lots of people don’t think laws have anything to do with them.. even after they’re caught…
  14. Re: Is there a free site that will host your images in their original full resolution

    yeah it's weird how these places display things. I have to keep reminding myself it's just the photographic print, the photograph-itself (negative) is under lock and key, or in a humidor off site or...
  15. Re: Is there a free site that will host your images in their original full resolution

    I might have seen a similar expo at the MFA in Boston years ago, I can't remember how many years back, maybe 12-15? The framed prints were downstairs in a really poorly lit space. I have to say a...
  16. Re: Is there a free site that will host your images in their original full resolution

    wow, I guess I've been living in a cave under a rock for a while.
  17. Re: Is there a free site that will host your images in their original full resolution

    are "monitors", telephones and web watches even able to appreciate 1TB images ? I know when I used to come across people's photography or artwork that was large scans to show all the detail I...
  18. Replies

    Re: What are some good 4x5 cameras?

    at least people will be occupied. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  19. Replies

    Re: a 4x5 for wide angle use

    here is a contact print ( 4x5 on azo ) made using a speed graphic and a 65 Schneider, center filter &c. no issues with focus or coverage
    could have used a rail camera but it was a large space, lots...
  20. Re: Fiber print washing -- emulsion flecks at edges

    I've had emulsion flaking off the edges of ilford paper for over a decade. I contacted and showed images of the problem to an ilford tech back in the day, said it was something like an artifact from...
  21. Re: Principles of visual hierarchy in classical photography

    but is it really that different ?
    I've come to realize the more things are different the more they are really similar or the same, or rhyme .. you just have to look at it from a different...
  22. Replies

    Re: new scanner but used new

    im going used cause I really can't imagine spending 1300 -3000$ on a new scanner :)
    my cameras, lenses, enlargers (and their optics ), cars and studio I rent are used too. :)
    TBH im not sure...
  23. Re: Principles of visual hierarchy in classical photography

    one thing you might do is speak with someone who recently got an MFA in photography, film, art/architectural history and ask to see their syllabus,
    often times similar philosophical, esoteric and...
  24. Replies

    Re: new scanner but used new

    Thanks Alan !
    I can see how your scanner holds up to the drum scanner ... that's nice!
    it's funny I did a similar test between my 4870 and the scanner on an
    all in one epson expression 640, and...
  25. Replies

    Re: new scanner but used new

    thanks Jim, I'll look into the 750 pro too !

    I've had good luck with epson refurbs so that is where I'm looking first .. ( that's where I got the 4870 )
    oh, I learned from the person in the...
  26. Re: Principles of visual hierarchy in classical photography


    have you read Camera Lucida ( Roland Barthes ) or Photographers on Photography, or the other essays by Susan Sontag yet ?
    they might give you more insights about what you are looking for.
  27. Re: Principles of visual hierarchy in classical photography

    You might look into texts dealing with art history and architectural history..
    I’m not familiar with the content you have listed but arch/art history deals with these same things…
    I don't...
  28. Replies

    Re: new scanner but used new

    Thanks for the suggestions and helps, I’ll check out the &00-850 !
    Alan that is in inches around the size of a whole plate :)
    I am such good friends with the scanner I have been using
    I almost...
  29. Re: Do I sell a lens separately from its accessories like a center filter?

    what Mal Paso said
  30. Replies

    Re: new scanner but used new

    yea igeddit. , I have used a digital camera to do these sorts of things, but would rather use a flatbed with a light lid.
  31. Replies

    new scanner but used new

    my workhorse 4870 might be going to pasture soon and I gotta replace her. any suggestions for a more modern epson refurbished that might be able to scan 6x8 negatives ... was it the V800 that...
  32. Re: Automatic Welding glass / lens as focal plane shutter??

    there used to be a group on Flickr that shot everything through welding goggles. you can get just the lens material here from Philips Safety ......
  33. Replies

    Re: Mottling with stand development

    Keep at it Steven, you'll get there ..

    have you ever read the book the zen in the art of archery ?

    it's not a difficult read, and talks...
  34. Replies

    Re: London Heathrow Airport CT Scanner

    family recently returned from Heathrow while they didn't seem to have damaged film, and the last time ( march '24 ) I went through I didn't have trouble, it might not be typical and not worth the...
  35. Replies

    Re: a 4x5 for wide angle use

    If you need a lead on a capuchin let me know. Mine had a monocle, top hat and tails, sort of looked like Mr. Peanut..
  36. Replies

    Re: Mottling with stand development

    exactly ... happens every time I show someone a photograph I've made. hope you get to a place that you can just be on auto pilot and not worry about the tedium of
    the process, and it is all just...
  37. Replies

    Re: a 4x5 for wide angle use

    really? news to me ...
    I've pretty much only use the 65 on the speeder for about 16 years, the 58 got sold when I needed cash, I didn't use it much,
    never had issues, much like my wide coverage...
  38. Replies

    Re: a 4x5 for wide angle use

    Hi Havoc

    If you don't want to use a lens board that is recessed, you might also look into getting a speed graphic. Im not sure if there are other clamshell designed cameras that will allow this...
  39. Replies

    Re: Black Salt Toning A Salt Print

    you can also adjust the tone in dirty dish soap ... ( haven't done it yet but it's written about in Christopher James' book ... ) ..
  40. Re: Automatic Welding glass / lens as focal plane shutter??

    hi morten
    color or b/w film ?
    if you can get ND sheets as large as your
    front or rear elements you could just calculate your long exposure with that
    there is a whole group of people that used to...
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