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  1. Replies

    Re: Mounting filter behind barrel lens?

    I have one of the "Xenophon" filter holders mentioned earlier. It's mounted permanently behind my 121/8 Super-Angulon (it was designed for this lens). It's a metal bracket that holds a 3" gel filter...
  2. Replies

    Re: Large Format Landscapes

    Beautiful shot, Tobias. There are few, if any places like that in the rest of the world, and I'm sure they are rare in England. Thanks for showing us.
  3. Re: Would the masters of the past have embraced digital photography?

    Ansel no doubt had a 35mm camera (likely a Zeiss Contax) with him on that day. He carried a *ton* of gear with him while on the road (as any professional on a long assignment would).
    But instead he...
  4. Replies

    Re: Edward Weston --- Bibliography Blog

    What a great resource! I'll take my time and read through the many older posts. Thank you for pointing this out, Merg.
  5. Re: 4x5 Zone VI Bag Bellows - Wisner same?

    Recently, on another forum, Richard Ritter has reported that Wisner and Zone VI bag bellows are not interchangeable. And that Zone VI sold very few of the wide-angle bellows. I would ask him about...
  6. Replies

    Re: Large Format Landscapes

    Yes indeed, very well done Stephen!
  7. Replies

    Re: Glasses for Versalab parallel Laser

    I've used Gepe 35mm glass slide mounts. But any piece of glass that fits in your enlarger should work. I think that any commercially made glass sheet should be flat enough for the purpose.
    But who...
  8. Re: Ant tips on 'reforming' Arca leather bellows?

    Lexol was designed for leather-bound books, so should work in this situation. It's a long time since I owned a camera with leather bellows, but I used Lexol (a tiny amount) on those with good...
  9. Replies

    Re: 1/4 plate digital image

    A fascinating approach and a demanding technical challenge. Well done! Those old lenses can be quite good- "they built better than they knew".
  10. Replies

    Re: Film resolving power and 4x5

    Most any LF lens made since WWII (and quite a few from before that) will provide all the resolution you could ever need, if used within their design limits. They were carefully designed and built to...
  11. Re: Principles of visual hierarchy in classical photography

    I'll recommend "Art and Photography" by the late Aaron Scharf.
    And I'd search for a library with copies of "Afterimage", the publication of the Visual Studies Workshop. Plenty of artspeak to be...
  12. Replies

    Re: a 4x5 for wide angle use

    I'll second the Sinar F for extreme wide-angle photography. I shot a fair amount of architecture with my Zone VI 4x5; with the bag bellows my 75mm lens was usable, if fiddly. (My architect clients...
  13. Re: 4x5 Zone VI Bag Bellows - Wisner same?

    I've had a Zone VI 4x5 for 30 years; I bought the bag bellows with the camera. It's useful for lenses 135mm and shorter, which is to say I recognize your problem. Oddly enough, I know someone locally...
  14. Re: Calume (Cambo) 4x5 lens board w/4x4 lens board adapter?

    I think you'll have to make one, or have one made. The old Chicago Calumet CC-series cameras also had a 4" square board, and Calumet did later buy Cambo (or was it vice-versa?), so Cambo might have...
  15. Re: B&W Darkroom Printing is More Difficult than I Remember

    Practice makes perfect- it's no different than any other craft in that respect. Keep at it, and soon you'll be back up to speed.
  16. Replies

    Re: Scratches From Tray Processing 8x10 Film

    I shoot 4x5 but this may help. I develop up to 12 (absolute maximum) sheets at a time in an 8x10 tray. It has a ridged bottom and I agitate by shuffling; the film is emulsion up. 2 liters of...
  17. Re: Wollensak Raptar 135 and Graflex Optar 135

    To clarify a bit... Graflex never made lenses or leaf shutters. After WWII, Graflex contracted with Wollensak to supply lenses in shutters for the Graflex Speed and Crown Graphic cameras. So a...
  18. Replies

    Re: No 4 ACME Does Not Cock

  19. Replies

    Re: No 4 ACME Does Not Cock

    The desire to avoid doing maintenance, and the desire to avoid paying for it, is built deep into our culture. All parts of it, at every scale.

    "What?? Pay for fixing it? I'll just throw that junk...
  20. Replies

    Re: Hello from Spain !

    Welcome aboard!
    And please share some of your LF photos, when you have some that you like.
  21. Re: Good equivalent of the now pricey Aero Ektar 178 2.5?

    A moment's thought suggested to me that anyone using a 150/210mm lens at f/2.8 will not be interested in sharpness in the corners of the image, or range of movements wide open. So it's likely that...
  22. Re: Crucial Part of Omega D2 Lift Arm Broken - Thoughts on How to Fix?

    oh, one more thing... those lifting arms were designed to carry a symmetrical weight (like a condenser head). The Super-Chromega carries most of its weight offset to the right; this means that over...
  23. Replies

    Re: Zone VI 4x5 film holder question

    I recently acquired a number of the Riteway holders, and use them with my c.1992 Zone VI 4x5. A useful trick, before pulling the dark slide, is to put your left thumb on the film back and your...
  24. Re: Crucial Part of Omega D2 Lift Arm Broken - Thoughts on How to Fix?

    KHB Photografix in Toronto is probably your best source for Omega parts. Other forum members may know of other vendors.

    But don't change out that head- it's one of the best available for b/w, as...
  25. Replies

    Re: Need loupe help

    10x seems like too high a magnification to me. 4x seems about right. But then I've been using the same Ednalite loupe since before I began using LF, over 40 years, so I may just be used to that one....
  26. Replies

    Re: Searching for a compact 4x5

    A Sinar F will be much more portable if you find a Sinar Norma rail clamp; it's surprising how much difference the short clamp will make.
    And certainly the F2 will handle wide-angle lenses more...
  27. Replies

    Re: Gone Tubin'

    Well done, Corran!
  28. Replies

    Re: R.I.P Howard Bond

    He was only a name to me, but I'd like to change that.
    Can anyone point me to where his work can be seen?
    May he rest in peace!
  29. Re: Lens boards for Kodak Master Camera 8x10

    When Michael A. Smith was still alive, he and Paula Chamlee (both devotees of the KMV) offered new versions of those lensboards. I owned a KMV then, but had enough boards, so never followed up on...
  30. Replies

    Re: New-old member

    Well done. Keep working- and show us your results!
  31. Re: Goertz Double-Anastigmat verses Goertz Dagor

    There is a good deal of information about Goerz lenses on the front page of this site. Dagor lenses have a long and complex manufacturing history, and those articles are of some help- there are even...
  32. Re: robertson photo-mechanix photostatic camera

    "Multi-image" as in multi-projector slide shows? Certainly the Robertson in question could have been used to make graphic elements for those extravaganzas. And a lot of other copy/graphic arts...
  33. Replies

    Re: Sundicator?

    There's an application, designed by member Jeff Conrad, on the front page of this site.
    It's been redesigned since I last used it in the 2000s, but might still be useful.

    And Mr. Shaw, clouds...
  34. Replies

    Re: 1950’s Cars KODACHROME

    Here's a short and incomplete explanation.Kodachrome was introduced in the late 1930s and was the first successful color film. Meant for 8mm home movies, and in 35mm for slides to be projected. It...
  35. Replies

    Re: One of only 50

    Well seen and well done!
  36. Replies

    Re: Omega D2 Power Focus

    Brilliant. Omega did make an extended fine-focus dial assembly that attached to the focusing stage- it was optional on the D5XL Super-Chromega, I think.
    I remember them well from my days in the...
  37. Replies

    Re: Wollensak 15" Tele Raptor Questions

    That's quite a nice lens- we had one in the cabinet when I worked for Kodak. Only used it a few times in 25 years, but it performed well when we needed it.
  38. Re: Agfa/Ansco 48 -- anyone using this or similar "old" formula?

    I'm not familiar with that formula, either. Glad to hear that you're getting good results!
    But you should be aware that any replenishment method is designed for large volumes of film. Still, its...
  39. Replies

    Re: Opinions on some S-K lenses?

    The shutter on your 121/8 Super-Angulon is an ordinary Compur enclosed in the lens barrel. Just an unusual example of 1950's lens "styling". I have one and it's been a favorite for many years.
  40. Re: Arca F/Monolith as a step and repeat camera for static subjects.

    Well, it's really a small optical bench, one that you can take out into the field. So a true dual-purpose device...
Results 1 to 40 of 4486
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