
Type: Posts; User: Eric Z. Beard; Keyword(s):

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  1. Replies

    Fuji Quickload Holder II

    Scott, with the sticker thing, I know what you mean, especially if you try to peel the silly things off in the dark. I finally came up with a simple solution, though... I use a pocket knife to slice...
  2. E-6/C-41 processing lab in Baltimore, MD area

    Capital Color

    They only do E-6, but they're good, fast, and charge $2.50 per sheet.
  3. Replies

    What do we contribute to the picture?

    What one person can do, another can do. But just because you *can* do it, that doesn't mean you *will* do it.

    Photography is all about choices. You choose to get up early and hike out to a nice...
  4. A reflection on time, seasons, life, chaos, probab

    Steve, that was a beautiful little essay. You captured what most of us have experienced in a very soulful, artistic way.

    I usually just lurk here, but I had to chime in on that one.
  5. Which scanning program with the Epson 4870?

    I have a 4870 and I use AI Silverfast. It took me a while to get used to, but it's definitely worth it for the control you get.

    For 4x5 don't use DICE, you lose a ton of detail and the dust...
  6. Replies

    Precarious Perches

    Hi Martin,

    I just started with my first LF camera month or so ago, and I've already found myself in those positions. My first expedition to go out and get some B&W sheets exposed (my first B&W...
  7. Replies

    Processing Costs and Labs in VA

    Hi everyone,

    I recently made the move to large format with a Toyo 4x5CF, and I'm really enjoying it. I'm shooting mostly with a 6x9 back, and also some BW sheets, which I'm developing myself...
Results 1 to 7 of 7