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Thread: Options for 190mm- 210mm wide lenses that cover 8x10 WIDE OPEN

  1. #21

    Join Date
    Oct 2015

    Re: Options for 190mm- 210mm wide lenses that cover 8x10 WIDE OPEN

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Sawyer View Post
    I bought that very catalog from Pacific Rim some time ago! It doesn't say anything about "just covers 8x10 at f/22 with an image circle of about 308mm", but does say it covers 8x10 without movements. I just checked Michael Gudzinowicz's specs for LF lenses (, and he gives a 318mm image circle, which would more than cover 8x10, which needs about 300mm. Manufacturers are usually pretty conservative with their coverage figures. I've used mine for landscape on 8x10 and had no issues, though I had it closed down.
    I didn't say that the Pacific Rim catalog gave any reference as to image circle. I provided that link, if the OP was interested. That said, 318mm does cover 8x10, but with minimal, if any, movements. I, too, have used mine for landscape photography for several years and I've never been disappointed with the resulting images.

  2. #22

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    San Joaquin Valley, California

    Re: Options for 190mm- 210mm wide lenses that cover 8x10 WIDE OPEN

    I do seem to recollect seeing a nice 8x10 contact print taken with a 120 Nikkor f/8 SW somewhere on the internet.
    The widest lens I've used on my 8x10 was a 159mm Wollensak Velostigmat "yellow dot" f/12.5 but they did make a f/9.5 version IIRC.
    "I would feel more optimistic about a bright future for man if he spent less time proving that he can outwit Nature and more time tasting her sweetness and respecting her seniority"---EB White

  3. #23
    Mark Sawyer's Avatar
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    Stuck inside of Tucson with the Neverland Blues again...

    Re: Options for 190mm- 210mm wide lenses that cover 8x10 WIDE OPEN

    Quote Originally Posted by John Kasaian View Post
    The widest lens I've used on my 8x10 was a 159mm Wollensak Velostigmat "yellow dot" f/12.5 but they did make a f/9.5 version IIRC.
    Both the f/9.5 and f/12.5 open to around f/6.5 for composition, but Wollensak apparently felt the wide open performance was lacking. Check yours out and you'll see it opens well beyond the f/12.5 on the scale.
    "I love my Verito lens, but I always have to sharpen everything in Photoshop..."

  4. #24

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    Dec 2012

    Re: Options for 190mm- 210mm wide lenses that cover 8x10 WIDE OPEN

    Given the wide angle of coverage required and focal length in question, I doubt any of the wide angle lenses mentioned would properly produce a usable image at widest aperture setting. Unless you're ok with severe vignetting or have access to the a centre filter that compensates not only optical fall-off but also mechanical fall-off's.

  5. #25

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    Collinsville, CT USA

    Re: Options for 190mm- 210mm wide lenses that cover 8x10 WIDE OPEN

    Presently use a 200mm f/6.5 TAYLOR-HOBSON Cooke Series VIIB WIDE ANGLE ANASTIGMAT. This is my go-to very wide angle lens for my 11x14. Stopped down covers 11x14 with some (all be it rather little) movements. On my 8x10 the image on the GG with the lens wide open looks great, but I have never shot with the lens wide open so not sure how the final contact print image would look like. FYI, acquired the optic in barrel form from a FORUM member, then had SK Grimes mount it into a Copal 3 shutter. To me worth many times the $$ invested in it.

    VM: "Series V11b EISTAL f6.5/f11 This was the 'new' Gauss version to overtake the V11 and was f6.5 to focus and f16 or less to shoot. It seems to have been introduced early in the 1920's, certainly by 1924. It was made typically in 63-222mm in 1935, and the shortest was for 6x9cm as on the 'Envoy' camera post WW2 (see B.J.A. 1951, p487 advert.), and this size could have actually been added later than 1935 or been in intermittent supply- it is there in B.J.A. 1928, p606 for example. Series VIIb covers 90°at f16 and 100° at f32 and these apertures were suggested for use over these angles. A lens No12,49x at 4.5in was used on 1/2plate. Normally 6.25in was used for 10x8 and 135mm for 1/1plate. Some were coded ANGLIC, probably in later lists, and it was made coated after WW2 and into the 1950's. It was seen at No 125,08x uncoated 4.18in, and Nos 310,39x in 5.25in; and 382,41x and 459,60x in 4.25in, these being coated lenses. These are fairly common coated ('a hard durable coating') as they were wanted postwar by professionals, and sold well: many are front mounted in Compur shutters, but this may be by repairers, rather than by TTH themselves as there is no mention of this in the advert. (see also Envoy). Results with these today can still be excellent if in good condition as they are sharp and contrasty. They may be the best of the Gauss lenses of this general type. It still featured in the last advert. noted in B.J.A. 1955, p495 as follows:
    2.5in 63mm 4.25x3.25in at f16.
    This was offered for many years prewar but were not always listed postwar. It was used on the Envoy wide angle camera however. (B.J.A. 1926, p650).
    8in 203mm for 12x10 at f/16
    8.75in 222mm for 14x11in at f/16"

    My 8in covers 11x14 when I stop it down all the way. Plenty good enough for my contact prints.

  6. #26

    Join Date
    Apr 2019

    Re: Options for 190mm- 210mm wide lenses that cover 8x10 WIDE OPEN

    Thank you all for this wisdom and information! Such a huge help!

    I think, for a number of reasons, the Caltar, Acuton, Ilex 215mm f4.8 variants are going to be what I try out first. Lots of people seem to use them on 8x10 (many more for 5x7 clearly).

    I'm wondering how much I will have to stop down to actually make the corners of the images usable? I know this has a lot to do with how far away the subject is to the focal plane of the camera.

    So lets say: how much will I have to stop down to get usable corners (i know thats subjective) while focused at approximately 15 feet? And then how much stopping down to get usable corners at infinity?

    Im really looking forward to trying out this lens. Seems like it might fit the bill.
    Thanks again everyone!

  7. #27

    Re: Options for 190mm- 210mm wide lenses that cover 8x10 WIDE OPEN

    Quote Originally Posted by John Kasaian View Post
    ...The widest lens I've used on my 8x10 was a 159mm Wollensak Velostigmat "yellow dot" f/12.5 but they did make a f/9.5 version IIRC.
    There are 2 older uncoated Series III versions, 6.25”, on the auction site that shall not be named. Both in Betax shutter.

    If you are set on the 180-210 range the Fujinon W 180/5.6 single coated with lettering in the barrel is supposed to cover 305mm. Don’t know how they are at the edges.

    OP, the only way for you to really know if a particular lens works for you; is pick one, buy it, and start testing.
    --- Steve from Missouri ---

  8. #28
    Mark Sawyer's Avatar
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    Stuck inside of Tucson with the Neverland Blues again...

    Re: Options for 190mm- 210mm wide lenses that cover 8x10 WIDE OPEN

    Just remember that regarding your mission statement, "shooting a lot of available light environmental portraits both indoors and outdoors", if you're wide open, you're working with very shallow depth of field, indoor available light may mean extended exposures even with a fast lens. Not impossible, but it's a challenge...

    But sometimes, ya gotta go for it.
    "I love my Verito lens, but I always have to sharpen everything in Photoshop..."

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