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Thread: German Photographers---Triberg, Germany--- Please Help

  1. #1

    German Photographers---Triberg, Germany--- Please Help

    Hello From The USA, Colorado---I am trying to find a Herr Gunter (Foto-Gunter) in Triberg. I am unable to find his email address. I am doing historical photographic research & would like to have contact. I have a photo sales receipt dated from 1952 "Foto Gunter", perhaps a Horst Gunter, however, I'm not sure of this which I am doing research on.


  2. #2

    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Scottsdale, AZ

    Re: German Photographers---Triberg, Germany--- Please Help


  3. #3
    おせわに なります! Andrew O'Neill's Avatar
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    Coquitlam, BC, Canada, eh!

    Re: German Photographers---Triberg, Germany--- Please Help

    Is this the right place for this? Shouldn't it be in On Photography? Just saying...

  4. #4

    Re: German Photographers---Triberg, Germany--- Please Help

    Quote Originally Posted by Juergen Sattler View Post
    Juergen----thank you for the prompt response---I am not able to find his email address in English---can you provide the specific--the translation et al?? Thank you

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Re: German Photographers---Triberg, Germany--- Please Help

    All I can find are phone book entries - given that the shop has been going for sixty years and does not even have the most basic web presence or a listed fax number, he probably won't have anything as modern as email.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Hamilton, Canada

    Re: German Photographers---Triberg, Germany--- Please Help

    snail mail or phone.
    that's it.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: German Photographers---Triberg, Germany--- Please Help

    If I may explain the reason why. In Germany, specially in rural regions, internet does not exist at all. You have to write a letter to Mr. Gunter and ask him to give you his telephone-number. Sorry, but that´ s German reality.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Re: German Photographers---Triberg, Germany--- Please Help

    Quote Originally Posted by megapickle1 View Post
    If I may explain the reason why. In Germany, specially in rural regions, internet does not exist at all. You have to write a letter to Mr. Gunter and ask him to give you his telephone-number. Sorry, but that´ s German reality.
    I know, it's sad but true. Fortunately I have a couple of friends abroad that read all those amazing forums to me on the phone, and post answers on my behalf, or I'd have to resort to the abhorrently expensive and censorious Deutsche Bundespost Internet to Telegram gateway...

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Re: German Photographers---Triberg, Germany--- Please Help

    Quote Originally Posted by Sevo View Post
    I know, it's sad but true. Fortunately I have a couple of friends abroad that read all those amazing forums to me on the phone, and post answers on my behalf, or I'd have to resort to the abhorrently expensive and censorious Deutsche Bundespost Internet to Telegram gateway...
    I love your sarcasm. Yes, Germany is that white spot on the European map that still is covered by boreal rain forest and where the indegene only speak an ancient language that only a hand full of scholars can still decipher. When not hunting for mammoths, they enjoy taking pictures with Linhof Technikas.

    Triberg is a tiny town (something like 5000 residents) in the black forest. Why should a store there need an internet presence?

    You can try to contact them at:

    Foto Günter
    Hauptstraße 49
    D-78098 Triberg

    Phone: +49-7722-4624

    Good luck,

    c&c always welcome!

    "The world just does not fit conveniently into the format of a 35mm camera." (W. Eugene Smith)

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