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Thread: D-23 Developer Preparation

  1. #1
    Raffay's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Islamabad, Pakistan.

    D-23 Developer Preparation

    Hi All,

    I just wanted to make sure that I understood the directions correctly. Following are the steps that I will be following for preparing my D-23 developer, and if I am making some wrongs then please correct me, thank you:

    My FR Developing tank is 1.5 litres, so I guess I will have to make 2 litres of solution.

    1. Distill Water 1 litre at 125 F
    2. Dissolve Metol 7.5 g first, then
    3. Dissolve Sodium Sulphite 100 g
    4. Add 1 litre cold water to bring the temp down to 68 F

    I am assuming, if my math is right, this will make D-23 Diluted to I right, or have I messed up the math?

    Any thoughts on how long I should develop, and how much agitation?

    One more question, the bottle I am using is not the type which you can compress to take the air out, and after I make two litres there is roughly 400 ml empty space left, can i top it off so that no air is left or would that affect the formula considerably.


  2. #2
    Ironage's Avatar
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    Re: D-23 Developer Preparation

    I am just starting to experiment with this developer and mixed up my first batch and tray developed 4 HP-5 negatives. The negatives weren't very good, but I liked the results of the developer. I used the developer straight without dilution at about 7:30 minutes.

    Your formula is definitely for 1:1, and leaving the air in the bottle will effect the shelf life of your developer. Less air, longer life. Try for starting times for your film and developer combination.

  3. #3
    Tim Meisburger's Avatar
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    Re: D-23 Developer Preparation

    Hi Raffay. I use D23 all the time. If your tank is 1.5 liters, there is no need to make two liters of developer. Just use proportional amounts and make 1.5. I am on vacation now with my family, so cannot check your formula, but it is widely available in both weight measure and teaspoon measure, and is pretty forgiving. Just multiply the amounts for your one liter formula by 1.5.

    Normally I use D23 undiluted, and as a one shot, since it is so cheap. I use a Paterson Orbital tank and only 70ml of solution for four sheets of 4x5.

    When mixing, the more hot water you use, the quicker the metol will dissolve, but the less space you will have for adding cool water to bring the temperature down. If you mix the night before that will not be a problem. Another trick is to add ice cubes rather than plain water. I develop at the ambient temperature (I live in Bangkok) rather than trying to get everything to a constant 20c, and that works well for me. Just use the Ilford temperature compensation chart to determine times. If you cannot find a time for D23, the time for D76 seem to work pretty well.

    When mixing in the Sodium Sulphite if a white precipitate forms you will have to throw that batch away. It happens to me occasionally and I'm not sure why, but I suspect its from cross contamination, or contaminants in the tap water here. If I am careful cleaning apparatus, and use filtered water, I don't have a problem.

    I haven't been to Islamabad in a few years, but think I have a trip coming up in the next few months. Maybe we can shoot! What film are you using there? Shanghai?

    Cheers, Tim

  4. #4
    Raffay's Avatar
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    Dec 2012
    Islamabad, Pakistan.

    D-23 Developer Preparation

    @ Tim: thank you for your input even when you are travelling. I will try and lookup these formulas, actually I am pretty bad at method and these ratios My wife always helps me but since she is away I am quite lost. I am quite surprised that one can fit 4x5 negs in a 70 ml tank, if I can get that it will be great, since I only shoot very little and it would help if I could make little solution. Well anyway, I guess I have to improve in a lot areas, but first it is important to get good images coming out of the process then I can improve on different steps to make them more efficient.

    Yes, do connect with me when you come to Islamabad, it will be fun to shoot together, as there aren't any LF people around. Enjoy your vacation.


  5. #5

    Join Date
    Aug 2000

    Re: D-23 Developer Preparation

    Your chemical quantities are for one liter. Start with 750 ml of water, add a pinch of sulfite then the Metol, then the sulfite. when everything is dissolved, add water to make one liter. Most people use this undiluted. if it doesn't get contaminated, it can be re-used many times. If diluted, it can only be used one time.

    Good luck,


  6. #6
    Raffay's Avatar
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    Islamabad, Pakistan.

    D-23 Developer Preparation

    How do I make 1.5 litres?

  7. #7

    Join Date
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    Budd Lake, NJ

    Re: D-23 Developer Preparation

    For 1 Liter Undiluted

    Water, 125F/52C 750 ml
    Metol 7.5 g
    Sodium Sulfite (anhydrous) 100 g
    Water to make 1L

    For 1.5 Liter Undiluted Multiply above by 1.5

    Water, 125F/52C 1200 ml
    Metol 11.25 g
    Sodium Sulfite (anhydrous) 150 g
    Water to make 1.5L

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    John Belthoff
    Black & White Film Photographer

  8. #8
    Raffay's Avatar
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    Dec 2012
    Islamabad, Pakistan.

    D-23 Developer Preparation

    Thanks man you are a life saver 😀

  9. #9
    David Schaller
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Williamstown, MA

    Re: D-23 Developer Preparation

    This would be your stock solution. Then you would dilute it 1:1 or in whatever ratio you want. I use it 1:3.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    May 2000
    Tamworth, Staffordshire. U.K.

    Re: D-23 Developer Preparation

    I'll second what Jim Noel said. A pinch of sulfite first, then the Metol.

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