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Thread: What would you do?

  1. #41
    Unwitting Thread Killer Ari's Avatar
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    Re: What would you do?

    Hi r.e.,
    I wouldn't be surprised; when I was there last year, I thought many of the kids were from the 1% they went to such pains to deride and blame.
    Likely, they had a few weeks of rebellion, then realized they were cold and hungry and went back home.
    There were some good points made by the movement, but it was all such an unruly mess that nothing clear emerged.

  2. #42

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    Re: What would you do?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ari View Post
    There were some good points made by the movement, but it was all such an unruly mess that nothing clear emerged.
    Interesting. I think that Occupy did an enormous amount to get people thinking critically about the 2008 financial crisis. It is really remarkable that the mainstream is gradually accepting that the Occupy movement was legitimate, and that the Bank of England would actually let one of its senior officials say so in public. We are a long way from Bloomberg's dismissive, heavy-handed response.

    I think that it is a commonplace now that the Occupy movement put economic justice on the political agenda, and I believe that its ideas had an impact on the U.S. election. When this was coming down in New York, I heard people complain about the Occupy movement squatting in Zuccotti Park, but I did not hear very many people disagreeing with what they were saying.
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  3. #43
    Unwitting Thread Killer Ari's Avatar
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    Re: What would you do?

    Quote Originally Posted by r.e. View Post
    Interesting. I think that Occupy did an enormous amount to get people thinking critically about the 2008 financial crisis.
    Agreed; however, when I say 'unruly mess', I'm referring to their platform, which seemed to add a few things every day. Eventually, they were against (or for) everything, had no visible leadership or recognizable policies.
    I think people became more aware of financial issues thanks to the awareness raised by the Occupy movement, but this happened despite the Ocuppy-ists, not because of them.

  4. #44

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    Re: What would you do?

    Mark Carney, the Bank of Canada governor had this to say in last year's Globe and Mail.

    “There’s a frustration with policy and a frustration that, `are things going back to business as usual,’’’ Mr. Carney said in the interview.`If I may say, that is not going to happen, but I can understand the frustrations.’’’

    Demonstrations like the Occupy Wall Street protests, which will hit Canadian cities this weekend, are a “democratic expression of views’’ and “entirely constructive,’’ Mr. Carney said.

    “It makes it more tangible, the challenges that that economy is facing, and it makes it more important to demonstrate success on issues such as financial reform,’’ he said."
    notch codes ? I only use one film...

  5. #45

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    Re: What would you do?

    Offer to sell him the neg and rights to all reproductions

  6. #46

    Join Date
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    Re: What would you do?

    Now that he thinks it is OK to show the image, charge him to keep it on your site

  7. #47
    Unwitting Thread Killer Ari's Avatar
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    Re: What would you do?

    Quote Originally Posted by Robert Budding View Post
    Offer to sell him the neg and rights to all reproductions
    Quote Originally Posted by Greg Miller View Post
    Now that he thinks it is OK to show the image, charge him to keep it on your site
    I like where you're both going with this...

  8. #48
    grumpy & miserable Joseph O'Neil's Avatar
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    Re: What would you do?

    Dropped into this thread a bit late, I am *almost* in the same position, or was. i took pictures last year of the the night they shut down the "Occupy London" here in London, Ontario, so speaking form Canada here too. There were tons of media people there that night - newspaper, radio, television, web based news, etc.

    I noticed the media were taking photos and videos right, left and centre, so the thought struck me, every time I took photos of protesters, I also took photographs of the media people, themselves taking photographs of the protesters. I figured if anyone complained in any way, I could post photos side by side. Here is the protestor, and here is the reporter photographing the protestor. After a while, I found photographing the media almost if not more interesting than the protestors themselves.

    As it was, I got "called out" in the comments section, by name, of the local newspaper, some asking why I was walking around with a "big telephoto" (it was an 85mm, F1.4 - good for low light ), and if I had permission to photograph everybody the way i did. I was ready to pull out my media photos, but it never got any farther than that. I thought it would, and I thought it was strange, as I had not posted the photographs anywhere yet, but to be reconized and called out by name, a bit unnerving.

    Now the "rest of the story" as the late Paul Harvey would put it. Also, before I go on, I had posted this story in the "Lounge" already some time ago if you want to see the photo in question. Long story short, the local TV station had a contest to send in photographs of their news people in action. I had some good ones, but I had a real killer - I think one of the best photos I have ever taken in my life of anything. You know one of those rare moments when - photographically speaking - for a split second, everything comes together? That was it. bottom line - won the grand prize, a thousand dollar gift card to Henry's cameras. Went out right away, added some money of my own, and bought a second D7000 body and never looked back.

    So in my case, my "threat" if you call it that, turned out in the long run to fizzle out, but the whole experience did me good, and I still have some excellent shots from that night. I hope your situation comes out good for you too. good luck, and don't give up!

    eta gosha maaba, aaniish gaa zhiwebiziyin ?

  9. #49

    Join Date
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    north of the 49th

    Re: What would you do?

    hey Joseph,

    How far back was the post and which thread ?


    notch codes ? I only use one film...

  10. #50
    Unwitting Thread Killer Ari's Avatar
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    Re: What would you do?

    Quote Originally Posted by Joseph O'Neil View Post
    Dropped into this thread a bit late, I am *almost* in the same position, or was. i took pictures last year of the the night they shut down the "Occupy London" here in London, Ontario, so speaking form Canada here too. There were tons of media people there that night - newspaper, radio, television, web based news, etc.

    I noticed the media were taking photos and videos right, left and centre, so the thought struck me, every time I took photos of protesters, I also took photographs of the media people, themselves taking photographs of the protesters. I figured if anyone complained in any way, I could post photos side by side. Here is the protestor, and here is the reporter photographing the protestor. After a while, I found photographing the media almost if not more interesting than the protestors themselves.

    As it was, I got "called out" in the comments section, by name, of the local newspaper, some asking why I was walking around with a "big telephoto" (it was an 85mm, F1.4 - good for low light ), and if I had permission to photograph everybody the way i did. I was ready to pull out my media photos, but it never got any farther than that. I thought it would, and I thought it was strange, as I had not posted the photographs anywhere yet, but to be reconized and called out by name, a bit unnerving.

    Now the "rest of the story" as the late Paul Harvey would put it. Also, before I go on, I had posted this story in the "Lounge" already some time ago if you want to see the photo in question. Long story short, the local TV station had a contest to send in photographs of their news people in action. I had some good ones, but I had a real killer - I think one of the best photos I have ever taken in my life of anything. You know one of those rare moments when - photographically speaking - for a split second, everything comes together? That was it. bottom line - won the grand prize, a thousand dollar gift card to Henry's cameras. Went out right away, added some money of my own, and bought a second D7000 body and never looked back.

    So in my case, my "threat" if you call it that, turned out in the long run to fizzle out, but the whole experience did me good, and I still have some excellent shots from that night. I hope your situation comes out good for you too. good luck, and don't give up!

    Thanks, Joseph; you don't sound very grumpy and miserable.
    And please link to the thread, I'd be interested in reading it as well.


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