Looking over this forum the other night I noticed that there several equipment i deas in Large Format that didn't quite survive. Maybe they gave rise to a better product, maybe they failed for some reason unrelated to the quality of the prod uct, maybe the idea was good, but the real world production had problems, maybe the company wasn't well capitalized and it sank, and maybe the timing was just w rong. And maybe the basic idea was good and somebody is going to give it another shot in the future.

I think this could be an interesting and educational thread to help map out how we got here by looking at the skeletons left along the way. I also want to say I have the utmost respect for the men and women who had a dream and devoted at le ast a part of their lives to bringing these ideas to some kind of fruition.

I can think of six or seven products:

1.) The universal bayonet lensmount; 2.) The Mido film holder system; 3.) The 50 sheet motor drive film back for 4x5; 4.) The V-Pan 6x17cm camera; 5.) The Carbo n Fiber Infinity camera; 6.) Dye Transfer prints;

What else?