Hello all. Thanks fot read my thread and at the time, excuse me for start it. I don't know if it will help someone once I' ll have the info about this lens.

I searched on G....e about it and it seems they dont have anything to show me about. Some results are about 11x14" lenses but I did' nt met the name of my lens in the link I visited.

On the front barrel is marked 21 1/4" Ilex Process Paragon, made in USA, s/n 228. The last number is handwrited. On the back element is another handwrited number: 537.0 the lens max. aperture is f 10 and close to f 90. The lens seems to be coated, with some cleaning marks.

I would like to know more about this lens, the good/ not good points, value, etc. I know it have a huge coverage although I did'nt measured it.

Thanks to all.