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Thread: Tripod help!

  1. #11

    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    Loganville , GA

    Re: Tripod help!

    Pre which war? Not WW II.

  2. #12

    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: Tripod help!

    I don't care for the Tiltall either, I sometimes got weird vibration if the wind was blowing.

  3. #13

    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Santa Cruz, CA

    Re: Tripod help!

    This gets frustrating. I know we are all hurting financially. Almost all of us, I am sure. I also appreciate that as a student, it is even worse. However, I keep hearing these requests like, what's the best camera that will do xyz for a price that is unreasonable. Just the other day it was a monitor for less than $200 or so that is terrific. That isn't the price range of the terrific ones... certainly not new. (This isn't about the OP's request.)

    One doesn't say "where can I find a Sironar S for $100", "where can I buy a great scanner that will do just as well as a drum scanner for $100" or "where can I get a brand new Leica for $100". These aren't what these things cost, for right or wrong.

    I think the Tiltall is a horrible device (no offense to anyone). I had one, used them for years when I was in school. They are heavy, super-pinching and overall don't work that well. I threw the last one out - yes, in the garbage. I have a carbon fiber Gitzo I love that is lightweight, and I ascribe to the philosophy that you don't need a 15 pound tripod to do the job, just something steady. I know lots of people disagree, it seems like half are in one camp and half in the other. That's fine. However, I carry the thing, with my 4x5 on it all over the place.

    There are used ones available all the time on this list. They are generally more than $250, tho' not that much, in the scheme of things. For large format, unless you are hand holding (which is a small percentage of LFF'er's), a tripod is an essential element, one that should last for years and years. You should be willing to spend a little on it... maybe twice what you would like..

    Just my opinion,

    Museum Quality Drum Scanning and Printing

  4. #14
    Peter De Smidt's Avatar
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    Fond du Lac, WI, USA

    Re: Tripod help!

    I recommend a used, fairly recent Gitzo series 3 tripod. I just bought one myself, as I got a little tired of carrying my series 5 around. I use it with a Toyo AX, mainly with a 210mm or a 120mm lens.
    “You often feel tired, not because you've done too much, but because you've done too little of what sparks a light in you.”
    ― Alexander Den Heijer, Nothing You Don't Already Know

  5. #15
    jp's Avatar
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    Re: Tripod help!

    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Salomon - HP Marketing View Post
    Pre which war? Not WW II.
    According to the leitz brochure here:

    The head was designed and sold during the depression, and after WWII, they started selling complete tripods.

  6. #16

    Join Date
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    Pittsburgh, PA

    Re: Tripod help!

    Yeah, I figured that I'm probably asking a bit too much for $250, how much is reasonable to spend on something half decent? I need money for more lenses too!

  7. #17

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    Feb 2006

    Re: Tripod help!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dr_Rocks View Post
    Yeah, I figured that I'm probably asking a bit too much for $250, how much is reasonable to spend on something half decent? I need money for more lenses too!
    Spend $100 on a Tiltall, and you'll have $150 to put towards lenses.

    After using the same Tiltall since the late 70s, I can't think of a better tripod for 35mm up to Linhof-weight cameras. The pinched fingers problem can be dealt with very simply by holding the camera when unlocking the head, the sand problem is really the only flaw in the design. Water can be trouble, too.

    I wouldn't use a different tripod if you gave it to me.

    edit - Another virtue of the Tiltall is that you can buy a used one, try it out, and if you don't like it, you'll have no trouble selling it.
    One man's Mede is another man's Persian.

  8. #18

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    Loganville , GA

    Re: Tripod help!

    The head or a head?

    Quote Originally Posted by jp498 View Post
    According to the leitz brochure here:

    The head was designed and sold during the depression, and after WWII, they started selling complete tripods.

  9. #19

    Join Date
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    Santa Cruz, CA

    Re: Tripod help!

    Quote Originally Posted by Peter J. De Smidt View Post
    I recommend a used, fairly recent Gitzo series 3 tripod. I just bought one myself, as I got a little tired of carrying my series 5 around. I use it with a Toyo AX, mainly with a 210mm or a 120mm lens.
    I have a 3 series for my 8x10.... For the 4x5, I use a Gitzo 2530, with a small Gitzo magnesium three-way head. An Ebony 45 SVTi sits on top. I have a 150 Sironar S and the Fuji 240 A, and that's all. I am a big believer in very few lenses. If you are too far away, pick up the tripod and move closer... etc. I leave my camera on the tripod and carry it and my pack just has 8 or 10 holders and one extra lens. Makes it very easy. The tripod works very well for this setup... nice and stable.

    Most of the photographers in the history books used one lens and one camera, for many years at a time. It made them sensitive to what would fit in the format. Everyone has their own idea about working, but IMO, you need fewer lenses. It takes a while to find a lens like a Sironar S, you have to wait for it. It took me a year or so trolling the for sale area here before one showed up. I sold the others to pay for it... Give it time... to find that lens that you drool over. And don't forget that they are all pretty good...

    Museum Quality Drum Scanning and Printing

  10. #20

    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    South Texas

    Re: Tripod help!

    Fewer lenses?? HERESY!!

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