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Thread: 5x7 Handheld Camera

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    5x7 Handheld Camera

    I couldn't resist owning this thing.

    Mike sold this to me recently. It had a few problems. One was that the focus was fixed and wasn't infinity. The spring back was missing a piece that keeps the holder from falling out the other end. There were a couple light leaks too, because of the leather cracking over time. Finally, the lens is kind of hazy.

    For the past few weeks it's sat on my floor in pieces while I decided how to change the front. Eventually I decided to attach the lens on a board in the 5mm gap (between the two side panels) that was previous just cracking leather. The front panels then screwed back on in front. Some wood filler on the rear filled in the gaps, to avoid light leaks.

    The lens was put in a focus helical from a previous project. It's 'just' off from infinity, but stopped down the lens hits infinity fine. I couldn't easily get this to infinity without building a sunk lensboard.

    Quick and easy fix to put a piece of wood on the back too.

    Now, all I really need is new lens elements instead of this 210, since I don't have the tools to re-polish the bad element.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Re: 5x7 Aerial Camera

    Ash, how old is it? I ask because most aerial cameras used roll film, not sheet or plates, and have no provision for viewing through the lens. Early ones shoot plates, but that ended not long after WW-I. Also, the lens, a post-WW-II Commercial Astragon (probably a rebadged Commercial Congo), isn't a typical aerial camera lens.

    It looks more like a home made fixed focus LF point-and-shoot.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Re: 5x7 Aerial Camera

    Hi Dan,

    The lens isn't original, it was one chucked on for good measure before I bought it. No idea of vintage, you may be right about it being a home made p&s. I call it aerial because it was the first word to come to my head.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: 5x7 Handheld Camera

    Is it an early Gowland?

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Re: 5x7 Handheld Camera

    Well that's what Mike said he thought. Someone proposed that a while back I think.

    Either way it was in a pretty rough state, for once I've not done too much damage

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Dallas, Texas

    Re: 5x7 Handheld Camera

    Sounds interesting but i cant see the pics. Could you email one to me? Also, if you ever want to sell it to get a more usable toy, let me know -- I would like to play with it and I have lenses if you want to keep yours. - Paul

  7. #7

    Join Date
    May 2006
    grand rapids

    Re: 5x7 Handheld Camera

    I think you're about 4yrs late on this thread...........

  8. #8

    Join Date
    May 2006
    Wondervu, Colorado

    Re: 5x7 Handheld Camera

    yeah, but this idea keeps surfacing. I've been collecting vintage hand and cycle cameras for the past year and have constructed a wire viewfinder to use with them to hand-hold at eye-level instead of waist-level. I will post a review before long. I've decided to move up from 4x5 hand-held to 5x7 hand-held; I think there are a few folks who would be similarly interested.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Dallas, Texas

    Re: 5x7 Handheld Camera

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Roberts View Post
    yeah, but this idea keeps surfacing. I've been collecting vintage hand and cycle cameras for the past year and have constructed a wire viewfinder to use with them to hand-hold at eye-level instead of waist-level. I will post a review before long. I've decided to move up from 4x5 hand-held to 5x7 hand-held; I think there are a few folks who would be similarly interested.
    Exactly. 5x7 has a new appeal to me. Also, its worth a shot to see if the user may be playing with a new toy and might consider selling this one. Did I say "dibs" Dibs!

  10. #10
    Tin Can's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: 5x7 Handheld Camera

    5X7 cycle cameras are very lightweight and cheap. Most have a little glass viewfinder for aiming and use hyperfocus.

    Many have survived quite well because they self case and the bellows were made really well.
    Tin Can

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