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Thread: What's you favourite developer for FP4+

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    What's you favourite developer for FP4+

    I've used Tri X with HC110 for some years and had been pleased with the result. As Tri X is no longer available in my area, I've had to switched to FP4+ developing with D76(1:1). I must say I'm not happy with the FP4+/D76 combination. The prints from Tri X seem to have a "presence of light" that I find lacking in FP4+. I hope people here understands what I'm talking about (I'm not technically inclined so I hope I'm not talking rubbish). So for those who are using FP4+ with great success, please tell me which developer is best for this film and why. Can I get the "light" in FP4+ as I did for Tri X? Or do I change a different film altogether. Thanks.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Apr 2000

    What's you favourite developer for FP4+

    First, you'll find you need to give FP4 a lot more exposure to get it to mimic the "light" you found pleasing in Tri-X. I've found that ei. 32 with reduced development is needed to open the shadows with this film in normal developers. It also has something of a hair-trigger development response, so plus and minus developments are more needed and more critical than with many other films. The best solution to all this that I've found is to use PMK pyro developer. The speed actually increases to about ei 64 and the tonal range is much smoother and more accepting of varied luminance ranges.---Carl

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Chester, UK

    What's you favourite developer for FP4+

    Aaron: I suspect that you could get as many different replies as there are people using this film! FWIW I am happy with the tonality of FP4+ in 1:1 Perceptol, which I prefer over D76/ID-11. Approx 8 min at 20 degC works well in my setup.

  4. #4
    tim atherton's Avatar
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    Jul 1998

    What's you favourite developer for FP4+

    out of interest aaron, where are you that you can't get tri-x now?
    You'd be amazed how small the demand is for pictures of trees... - Fred Astaire to Audrey Hepburn blog

  5. #5

    What's you favourite developer for FP4+

    I've had excellent negatives from FP4+ using HC-110 dil B. Currently, I've been using ILFOLSOL S with pleasing results.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    What's you favourite developer for FP4+

    Carl, my current ei is 50. I suppose I could adjust to ei. 32. with a slight reduction in development. Pyro developer isn't an option for me as it's considered hazardous chemical here in Singapore. As for plus & minus development, could you kindly elaborate further (I understand the zone system). I am assuming you meant exposure/development should be ideally manipulated close to a six-zone span to get the needed contrast. Thanks.

    George, In what way is perceptol ideal over D76/ID11 to you. Thanks.

    Tim, Singapore. We're a small market. Can understand why Kodak refused to bring it here. Thanks.

  7. #7
    Moderator Ralph Barker's Avatar
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    What's you favourite developer for FP4+

    FWIW, Aaron, I shoot FP4+ at ISO 100, and develop it in Ilford DD-X, mixed at the recommended 1:4 dilution. DD-X seems to provide a nice balance between fine grain and good accutance. Plus, the liquid concentrate is quite convenient for small batches. Although EI rating and corresponding development can vary widely with individual work styles, it sounds like your EI of 50 and corresponding under-development may be producing negatives that are too flat and "lifeless" for your tastes.

  8. #8

    What's you favourite developer for FP4+

    Aaron; I'm also in Singapore - where do you get your film? (I normally get mine on trips to Japan).

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Chester, UK

    What's you favourite developer for FP4+

    Aaron: I prefer the tonality with Perceptol, in particular in the middle part of the zonal scale. I use plenty of exposure but short dev times, so avoiding too much "compensation" which you can get with this developer. The pain is that it comes as a powder. I don't like the tonality of Perceptol with T-grain films like Ilford Delta, though.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2003

    What's you favourite developer for FP4+

    Some recent testing on 6X9 FP4+ roll films found FG7 @ 100 and Exactul Lux at 80 to give that nice glow I seek and very printable negatives. This was my first experimenting with tanning developers (the ExLux) and I couldn't be more pleased with the results, especially in contrasty light. The FP4 contrast can get away from you quite easily and one needs to practice restraint in the developer! The compensating nature of the ExLux took care of that. The FG7 negatives had a better tonality on FP4 than my D76 results. I had recommendations of Diafine with FP4 but I didn't care for the look that I ended up with at all. It had its own look but a bit too "soot and chalk" for my eye.

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