As you might have experienced, the LightZone server is down since September 2011. Unfortunately, the developers of LightZone didn't inform their users and customers prior to shutting down the servers and terminating their service.

However, the good news is that Tex and Doug managed to collect some e-mail addresses, and they are planning to establish a new web site for support and information about LightZone.

There you will find updates for the RAW module, information about the activation, etc.
Please cooperate and check this link if you want to stay informed or if you think you can contribute. If you want to, you can send me your e-mail address, I will collect them and forward them to Tex to put you on the mailing list.

In addition, please check for additional information.

And please spread the news - there must be thousands of LightZone users around the globe who want to know what will happen with their software.

Thank you for your help!