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Thread: Bellows n pinholes

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Los Angeles

    Bellows n pinholes

    I think I already know the answer but because of the suddenness I'm asking anyways.

    Took the Canham out yesterday for a shoot. SoCal sunshine. Every shot had light leaks. Tested Film holders--they're ok. Took camera apart to make sure I didn't do something stupid (you know how you can put the bellows in wonky on a canham metal). It's fine.

    Then I stuck a lightbulb in the camera with the bellows fully extended.

    Uh. lots. LOTS. LOTS!!! of tiny tiny pinholes in the folds of the bellows. I've taken the camera out recently and didn't have issues but I haven't shot through the early-afternoon sun before.

    Did I just get away with it because I wasn't shooting in harsh light? Do lots (over 25) of pinholes just happen randomly?

    And, is there someone that can rebuild my bellows instead of me shelling out $400 for a new set from KB Canham?


  2. #2

    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Huntsville, Alabama, USA

    Re: Bellows n pinholes

    How about using your dark cloth to protect the bellows during your shot like the old guys in the old days. I'd think anything to rebuild a bellows would be nearly as expensive due to the amount of labor involved as a new bellows. I have also used thinned liquid tape to patch or thicken up some thin spots in a couple of cameras.

  3. #3
    Jim Jones's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Chillicothe Missouri USA

    Re: Bellows n pinholes

    I thoroughly scrubbed a very thin application of black liquid artist's acrylic paint into the folds from the inside. Don't let the acrylic build up any appreciatable thickness. Keep the bellows extended for several hours for drying. A soft toothbrush is a good tool for this job. Routinely covering the bellows and camera back with a large focusing cloth as bvaughn4 suggests is a good idea. It also helps protect leaky film holders.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Los Angeles

    Re: Bellows n pinholes

    Thanks guys. I appreciate humoring me (I realize that I could've/should've done a search before I posted.

    Is there an issue using acrylic paint or black silicone on fabric bellows?

    Also, I understand the inherent YMMV on this question but how long should I expect my bellows to be pinhole free?

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    New River AZ

    Re: Bellows n pinholes

    Resurrection of my 1957 original Sinar taper bellows as follows: Dabbed black silicone sealant on all pinholes keeping thickness even. Kept bellows extended until dry. Applied molybdenum disulfide powder to silicone dabs to prevent silicone sealant from sticking to itself when bellows is contracted. Powdered graphite will work also. Flexed bellows repeatedly until all joints are sealed and not sticking to each other. Finally a light vacuum to keep things clean. Occasionally will give bellows a "workout " before going into the field. This has worked really well over the years.

  6. #6
    Roger Cole's Avatar
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    Suburbs of Atlanta

    Re: Bellows n pinholes

    Gorilla tape. It ain't pretty but it's way easier than silicone and works. I've got several patches on my Linhof. OTOH, it might get pretty stiff with 25 of 'em.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    Re: Bellows n pinholes

    I tried Plasti-Dip on a Calumet C1 bellows that was almost gone and it worked but there were so many holes that it would get sticky in the heat. Still, with the dark cloth over it, I shot all Summer, even in NY sun. Might not work as well in SoCal, which is a couple stops brighter.

    I'd suck it up and order a new bellows and do it right. Kidneys and Gold are good to sell.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Bellows n pinholes

    Searching, and ebay failed to turn up a replacement for my wretched 8x10 Toyo bellows. Then today, my luck changed! An essentially brand new long version appeared for $170 on Adorama, (new price ~ $1,000) and I got it! So my suggestion is to watch these places like a hawk and your bellows will appear at a price you can afford!

    What size bellows do you need and what model. I'll keep my eyes open for you!


    I was told at Adorama used department they are sending out at least 30 LF items a day as LF is becoming so attractive an option in competition with MF digital.

  9. #9

    Re: Bellows n pinholes

    apply 3 to 4 times of artistic acrylic paint, wait it dry before you apply one another, use a soft flat head brush and dilute with water to make it easy to apply, maybe water to paint=1:4

    you get a great bellows for another ten years.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    North of Chicago

    Re: Bellows n pinholes

    Or if you want new bellows contact Custom Bellows, who I believe makes them for Keith Canham.

    Richard Wasserman

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