I just bought my first 4x5 camera. I have been using the zone system with my 35 mm for 5 years now and am very familiar with it. I wanted to establish my perso nal ASA for Tmax 100 for the 4x5. I bought the film, loaded it, took a high con trast set of a few pictures of the downtown skyline. I placed the shade of a da rk building that still contained texture on zone III. I took a picture and brac keted as well 1/2 and one stop. I developed the film in TmaxRS and an unexposed sheet as well. I went into the darkroom and exposed a test strip with the unexposed sheet to fi nd my 'standard printing time'. When I expose the negative of downtown, the pri nt is completely white. I am now confused. I will repeat the process, but I am sure I did everything right. What would you do?