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Thread: Anyway to orgranize sheet film like quick load

  1. #1

    Anyway to orgranize sheet film like quick load

    Hi all,

    people usually shoot 2 identical shots a process one after another if it need to push or pull. With quick load, it's easy to identify which 2 are a pair, what a bout using normal sheet film? During a photographic trip, one may shoot more tha n 50 to 100 sheets. It is too heavy to carry all these film with their own holde r, I will take them out and put into original film box.

    Does anyone have anyway to well orgranize them into pairs mentioned above?

    Or any container in the market can help?

    Thank you so much! chin.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Mar 1999

    Anyway to orgranize sheet film like quick load

    It might be a hassle, but you can carry a few different boxes, marked N+, N-, etc., and unload your film into the appropriate box. I put stickers on mine that say "OPEN IN DARKROOM ONLY!"

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Mar 1999

    Anyway to orgranize sheet film like quick load

    I think he's referring to color transparency film. No real way unless you leave them in holders, unless you fastidiously unload each holder and place the sheet film in the box in the same order...not easy to do. I leave all shots in their holders and process all the odd numbered exposures first, then figure out which holders need to be pushed/pulled.

  4. #4

    Anyway to orgranize sheet film like quick load

    Sorry I havn't make myself clear, I mean how to origranize the films into pairs after shooting.

    It will be too much to carry if all of them is sit in the holder duriing the trip, I usually just bring 5 holders, load to shoot and unload at each day end.

    If we separate the each pair of identical films into 2 batch, after processing one batch of films, find out 3 of films need to be push, how do we know which 3 films are among the 2nd batch?

    Thank you. Chin.

  5. #5
    Whatever David A. Goldfarb's Avatar
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    Honolulu, Hawai'i

    Anyway to orgranize sheet film like quick load

    You can get opaque black plastic bags, like the ones used for photographic paper, from B&H to organize your sheets (they are packaged by Delta and sold in the darkroom section). I've bought them in packages of 5, and I use them to organize my negatives for processing (N-1, N, N+1, special batches that need to be processed together, etc.) when I'm traveling.

    Then you just need a method of organizing them to do what you want. You could try numbering each bag containing a pair of sheets, and keeping a notebook with your exposure and location information. Some people even include a sketch of the scene to show the composition.

  6. #6

    Anyway to orgranize sheet film like quick load

    Probably the only way is to go to any good pro lab and get a bunch of of the small (10 sheet) boxes... Usually, they will give you as many as you need. Just put the pair in single boxes. Yes I know this will be ALOT of bulk but it will keep pairs seperate.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Dec 1999

    Anyway to orgranize sheet film like quick load

    I download my film into an empty 100 sheet box at the end of the day. If the film is an N development, it goes into the box. if it is N+1, I trim the upper right corner, and N+2, the upper left corner, N-1, the lower left corner, N-2, the lower right corner. I use the film code notch to orient the film. I can separate my various films when i return home. My films of choice, T-Max 100, tri-X, Technical Pan, and ET 64 have distinct notch codes so separating the films later at home is no prblem. Bob

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Mar 2000
    Rockford, Illinios

    Anyway to orgranize sheet film like quick load

    I think what Chin is asking is: how do you match the unprocessed duplicate shot to the one that has already been processed?

    This is not easy. The only way I have found to do this is to keep both piles in the same order. And, yes, I have screwed this up many times.

  9. #9
    Founder QT Luong's Avatar
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    San Jose, CA

    Anyway to orgranize sheet film like quick load

    You might want to review the method I described on the LF page in the article "Managing film". It's based on counting, inserts, and note-taking. I go on long photographic trips several times a year.

  10. #10

    Anyway to orgranize sheet film like quick load

    Film-sized envelopes? Put a pair in each envelope. I've seen envelopes for 4x5.

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