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Thread: Petzvals aren't for Portraits

  1. #21
    Mike Anderson's Avatar
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    Re: Petzvals aren't for Portraits

    Quote Originally Posted by Richard Rankin View Post
    See what I mean about confusion?

    Possibly with Paypal you can get all mail classes, but not on If Paypal offers the same discounts, it might be worth looking at.
    I don't think you can buy 1st class international postage through paypal (nor through USPS online). So shipping from U.S. internationally cheap (1st class) does require a trip to the post office and waiting in line.


  2. #22

    Join Date
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    Redondo Beach

    Re: Petzvals aren't for Portraits

    To Gandolfi: Why don't you just quit reading my ad and my posts, cuz I'm not going to change the way I write.

    You read my ad and saw what you wanted to see, I did refer to why I said what I said in the ad, and I clarified it here, I couldn't have made this clearer, so to me, you're focused in on only that part that you think gives you an excuse to 'go off' and ignoring everything else.

    I don't know who the hell you are Gandolfi or where you're from, now, or when I wrote the ad, so from where I'm sitting, I think you got a serious problem thinking all this was directed to you

    The madder you get, the more I think that's true.

    My using caps when I write, is my business, it's not up for discussion, you don't like it. don't read it.

    I've made it clear that what I said was a strong and harsh admonition for the crooks(DIDN'T MENTION COUNTRIES-LOL), again, this was for the crooks and not the 'good folks', there's nothing clearer than that, if you decide the part about crooks means you, well that's you deciding that, not me.

    I'm sure after saying all this you'll blow, if you do, go right ahead, but I'll suggest you take a deep breath, understand that I was talking to no one in particular in the ad, so why not come back down to earth, instead of going crazy over an attack that was never made.

    Getting off personalities, the issue of selling/shipping overseas for me, became untenable w/being forced to go through PayPal. When I sold my SA Doublet for $12,500, and after ebay took their cut, PayPal took $1,500 on top of that, and the FEES(yeah I'm yelling) ended up being a chunk of change that could have bought me another Pinkham.

    Worse, what frustrated me was going overseas w/PayPal is that you're getting paid isn't the end of it, you're actually in limbo for 2 months(got that straight over the phone from PayPal). Folks can make a claim for as long as 60 days after the auction. Another time I was burned, I sold this guy a camera, after he begged me to trust him, even though I had stated clearly I wasn't accepting bids from where he was from(made sure I told him it was nothing personal), and of course he begged/pleaded and asked only after he'd made the high bid w/o asking that I let him continue since he was the high bidder anyway.

    He won the auction, paid promptly with paypal, I thought it was end of story, it wasn't. He contacts me after he gets the camera, says it's been dropped, doens't want to send the camera back, tells me I have to admit that I intentionally sent him damaged goods and that after I admit he'll drop the whole thing. I know this is a bunch of bullshit, and tell him so, he promptly starts a case w/paypal, starts a site on the internet publishing w/o my permission, my real name, ebay user name, and email address, and my personal emails to him regarding the matter. After that, someone trying to impersonate me, kidnaps my my ebay account, and folks start calling/emailing my bank.

    This guy and the dude who bought my gear from an oil rig were the clincher.

    I don't trust anybody, you gotta EARN my trust, so it's kind of silly somebody I've never heard of ranting about I don't trust him, why would I(LOL)??? The answer is I wouldn't.

    One big issue about overseas versus selling here in the US, is that I have some redress here if somebody rips me off, but no redress when it comes to overseas, and the issue of the manifpulation of PayPay via chargeback fraud and feedback extortion.

    When I was being blackmailed, I took the negative because I refused to be blackmailed knowing full well that I might not be sucessful in getting an unjust negative off my record, but I did, at the cost of a lot of sweat and stress.

    There are people overseas that I trust, but they had to earn my trust, no amount of self righteous ranting is going to change that
    Jonathan Brewer

  3. #23

    Join Date
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    Naestved, Denmark

    Re: Petzvals aren't for Portraits

    I’ve had enough of overseas buyers attempting to victimize me with CHARGEBACK FRUAD and FEEDBACK EXTORSION. Enough is enough."

    Hmm Whats wrong with simply just stating you wont send oversees? Why do you have to ad the above? There is no need to. There is no reasonably reason to throw suspicion on people simply because they do not live i the US. You can have your resons, think what you like but there is no reason to yell it out to the world that you dont trust us foreigners.
    Best regards
    Søren Nielsen

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  4. #24

    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: Petzvals aren't for Portraits

    I admire your passion. This is good thing for the kind of photography you do.
    Perhaps this passion is not such a good thing for messy business of disposing of equipment on Ebay or focussed discussions here?

    Emil (Gandolfi) is identified in every posting he makes as being from Denmark, Europe (left-hand column). There are plenty of links here to his own website.

    "This is my first/last comment - I'm gone" - well it wasn't!

  5. #25

    Join Date
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    Oxfordshire UK

    Re: Petzvals aren't for Portraits

    I've just caught up with this little thread

    maybe it's time to put this one to bed.......................?


  6. #26

    Join Date
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    Redondo Beach

    Re: Petzvals aren't for Portraits

    Nah that's BS, plenty of folks have mentioned chargeback fraud and feedback extortion in their ads, so did I.

    I've explained why I wrote it enough, If you're still offended so be it. I wrote it the way I intended to, that just the way it's going to be.
    Jonathan Brewer

  7. #27

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    Redondo Beach

    Re: Petzvals aren't for Portraits

    Steven Tribe

    'Perhaps this passion is not such a good thing for messy business of disposing of equipment on Ebay or focussed discussions here?

    Emil (Gandolfi) is identified in every posting he makes as being from Denmark, Europe (left-hand column). There are plenty of links here to his own website.'

    Steven, I haven't by choice particpated in this forum in a couple yrs., maybe longer, I truly don't know who Gandolfi/emil is, you didn't know that, but you weren't willing to give me the benefit of the doubt and you assumed I should know who Gandolfi is despite the fact that I'm telling you truth.

    What you just did is make an assumption, a wrong one, but you think you're right, that was what was at the heart of this.

    Is that Trust??? Why don't you show some before you ask for any??????

    The passion and inflamed rhetoric have come from you and a few other folks hijacking this thread from a discussion about Petzvals which I thought did everybody some good, and degenerated to some folks pushing 'buttons' like 'are you calling me a crook?

    As far as suggesting that I'm so passionate that I cant see through to a focused discussion, It's always a great tactic to accuse others of what you yourself do, or can't do.

    Passion??, you guys went crazy w/passion after I took the time to explain my position, if you were interested in a focused discussion then it would've been reasonable to just end the debate like a few others suggested w/'I don't care for the wording of the ad, but............'

    That's what should've happened but didn't, because you guys wouldn't let go of it, you wouldn't let go of the ad and go onto something else, you had plenty of chances to.

    What brought me back here was to stick up for myself after Goamules entitiled this thread 'Petzvals aren't for portraits' and then he goes on to say 'at least that's what this seller says' ........which are his words, but he represents them as mine.

    I'll say it straight out, folks like Cowanw, and Eddie, and a couple of others focused in on these discussions w/o the inflammatory rhetoric which came from you and Goamules and Gandolfi.

    I was gone, and I came back, so you can make a snide comment suggestive of 'why don't I leave', it's not up to you Steven, I'll ride this out or go as I see fit. After this thread is put to bed/locked/or continues/whatever, you may not hear from me for a couple of yrs, or maybe never, but it will be my decision to stay or to go, do you respect that??

    If you and the others are really interested in fairness, a spirited exchange of an honest difference of opinion, then you'll welcome me to stay for as long as I want to stay to engage in that focused discussion w/o inflamming things w/the 'who you calling a crook' acrimony.

    Now do I get a fair shake???? Do you mean what you say????
    Jonathan Brewer

  8. #28

    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Naestved, Denmark

    Re: Petzvals aren't for Portraits

    Have you by any chance worked for Lehman Brothers or IndyMacBank?
    Søren Nielsen

    Send from my Electronic Data Management Device using TWOFingerTexting

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Yadkinville, NC, USA

    Re: Petzvals aren't for Portraits

    Hey Emil,
    Not all of us Americans see non-americans as crooks. Terrorists maybe, but not crooks!
    Some of us just don't like selling overseas because the additional customs forms are a pain in the ass... a simple inconvenience.


  10. #30

    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Tonopah, Nevada, USA

    Re: Petzvals aren't for Portraits

    I can certainly sympathize that if you go to the Camera and Photo section of evilbay and do a search on Portrait lens, you will pull up a net of fish that are mostly inedible. The sellers there have learned that perhaps just the word 'portrait' seems to have magical values.

    Recently a Euryscop Series IV, a NON portrait lens was branded as a Euryscop Portrait Lens and fetched over a thousand dollars more than it's real value. Other examples are a very very pedestrian 10" brass Darlot projection petzval touted as gigantic and portrait bought by some poor fellow in asia for over $1800 thinking that an Imperial Voigtlaender must surely soon show up at his door. This is BLATANT mis-representation and I must believe everyone (except the poor fool who shells out the $$$$) must know this is only done to gather a lot of unfair extra income.

    It hurts everyone!

    Now, to Jonathan, my friend. The United States is gutted. I send many many boxes overseas. Reason: no one in USA has any luxury item $$ to spend these days. It's all being "re-distributed". Not so much in other lands.

    Attention Kirk. That was pretty politically charged and you must soon delete this post, and perhaps even close down the discussion!

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