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Thread: Lens cells into a used shutter

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Aug 2000

    Lens cells into a used shutter

    I recently purchased the lens cells from a 180mm Commercial Congo lens. They are the same diameter/thread as a Copal #3. I would like to find a used copal to us e this lens with. My question is,

    1. Can I even do this? 2. If so, will I have to pay someone to determine new stops and/or scribe them o nto the shutter? 3. Am I going down a long expensive road not worth the journey?

  2. #2
    Robert A. Zeichner's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 1999
    Southfield, Michigan

    Lens cells into a used shutter

    You might want to check out Steve Grimes' site. There is a wealth of info about all the various ways to mount lenses in shutters, the costs involved in having aperture scales engraved, etc. http://

  3. #3

    Lens cells into a used shutter

    The shutters have become fairly standard as to distance between the elements, so the lens will probably work o.k. Some lenses use a thin washer between the element and shutter to set spacing correctly. I don't know if the Congo does or not, but probably not. Unless you luck up and find a shutter with an f-stop scale that matches, you may need to get someone like Steve Grimes to determine the stops and make a scale. You may be able to do it yourself if you have a sensitive meter. If you have to buy a shutter and then get everything calibrated and mounted, you might be better off getting a complete used 180mm Schneider or other lens. On the other hand, if you find a cheap shutter, why not have a little fun with it and do it yourself.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Aug 2000

    Lens cells into a used shutter

    I did check with Grimes about purchasing a new shutter. He quoted me $480.00 for a Copal #3 plus any mounting and scribing, etc.

  5. #5
    Ted Harris's Avatar
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    Aug 2000
    New Hampshire

    Lens cells into a used shutter

    $480 or thereabouts is the going price for a new Copal #3 shutter; Compur's are a bit more and a new Prontor Pro is almost twice as much. You can find them used and they will run around $250-300; you should check with Steve Grimes to see if he has a used one. Steve's used prices are generally as good as you will find anywhere. Steve can also handle inscribing the correct aperatures ont eh shutter very reasonably; his price for this is $35.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Dec 1999
    Forest Grove, Ore.

    Lens cells into a used shutter

    A Copal #3 for a 180mm lens? That seems rather large to me. I have a Schneider 180mm f5.6 that is mounted in a Copal #1. I'm wondering, what's the f-stop?

  7. #7

    Lens cells into a used shutter

    You may want to check for your lens on ml. If it's a Copal #3, this is an older model for the current are in Copal #1, less expensive than the big one.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Aug 2000

    Lens cells into a used shutter

    Yes, they are pretty large in dia. - these cells came from a 180mm f/4.5 and are about 15-20 years old (coated for color correction)- so I don't know what relationship they might have to current production lenses. I don't think they would be adaptable to a #1 or #2.

  9. #9

    Lens cells into a used shutter

    I've seen these cells in a Copal #3S. Make sure before you buy a #3.

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