Chris, I recomend that you check out the Graphlex web site, they have answers to most any graphlex question. This said, however, my personal favorite 4x5 press camera of the Graflex era is the "Busch Pressman, Model D". The came ra is made of nicely finished aircraft aluminium. The finish is much cleaner th an the Graphic's,and the Busch tends to be more rugged that the wooden Graphic ( late Model Speed Graphics are also metal, for a price!) Calumet has several used Busch Pressman for under $200.00. The both Graphic and Busch usually come with 135mm Optar lens (OK quality) that is linked to the Kalart rangefinder. Person ally I would replace this lens with a more recent optical design, especally if y ou are shooting chromes! I also remove the side mounted rangefinder so that the camera fits easily into my Domke camera bag. I prefer a lens a little wider (1 35mm)than what is considered normal in 4x5 (210mm) when shooting landscapes. Th e 135mm gives me just a little more sweep at the horizon, without looking forced as with a 90mm or a 65mm.

Good Luck!