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Thread: Mathematical Progression of Shutters

  1. #1

    Mathematical Progression of Shutters

    The modern Copal 3 is a perfect match for both my meters-gossen luna -pro,gossen ultra spot. the#5 Ilex has a different scale that only crosses over at 2,the same as all other IX shutters I have seen. The question is this Are the shutters the same having simply selected different stops? Is 4 on the meter one notch under 5 on the shutter and 8 midway between 5 and 10? Have not had a chance to mount the IX yet ,it is going of for a CLA first.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    S.W. Wyoming

    Re: Mathematical Progression of Shutters

    I'm a little confused by your description but if you're refering to old vs new speeds, just use the one that's closest to the modern speed scale. If it's really critical, close down 1/3 stop with the old speeds. That will make them match your meter reading. Example - meter reading is 1/8 sec, use 1/10 on your Ilex and close down 1/3 stop, etc. For B&W it's not that critical and I don't bother with the 1/3 stop difference.

  3. #3

    Re: Mathematical Progression of Shutters

    Glenn-You perfectly interpreted my post.Modern shutters are marked in fractions of a second and the old are the same using different fractions. My photograph desires are driving me back into old cameras old lens and large film,Great fum but to a degree confessing.-alan

  4. #4
    ic-racer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Mathematical Progression of Shutters

    It may be best to check it and base exposure on the actual speeds if you need critical exposure. As Glenn points out, with B&W if it sounds right it will be OK

  5. #5

    Re: Mathematical Progression of Shutters

    this shutter is a little sluggish at room temperature and since it is going out in 0%-F it is going for a CLA. Then I will check the speeds and will see how it does.I am sure it will be fine with the HP-5 I am using for winter scenic s . It does not look like it was used much and probably that was years ago.

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