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Thread: Lens for Horseman LD SLR View Accessory

  1. #11

    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Northern Virginia

    Re: Lens for Horseman LD SLR View Accessory

    Just throwing this out there for the original poster and anyone else:

    Don't spend the thousands of dollars on the LD camera package.

    Instead, do what I did: Buy a used Horseman LS (it has yaw fee base tilts... the LD and LD Pro DO NOT), OR buy a Horseman 450/450 EM, or older LE models and/or ANY model that has removeable carrier frames (this is important).

    Any Horseman model that has the removeable frames can use the SLR accessory (or you can custom-fit some weird homemade accessory).

    So pick up a used Hoseman LE, 450 or LS for $299-$600 (LS was $570 with extendable monorail (700mm) extra long bellows and case).

    Ironically, the most expensive, top of the line, Horseman LX, does NOT have removeable frames, and neither does some other models.

    The SLR accessories are here:

    For Canon:
    For Nikon:

    Personally, I've decided not to go this route just yet.

    A digital back on the Horseman makes sense... a Canon SLR does not. I just don't need the movements, I'll be limited to a 70mm or so lens as the widest useable lens ( not counting the crappy Schneider 28mm) and I need to save up for a Zeiss 100mm f/2 Makro.

    In terms of the Canon 90 T/S vs Schneider/Rodenstock digital lenses: The Canon is inferior in terms of sharpness and abberations. That much is true. Whether using a limited, heavy, bulky system is worth the extra performance is up to you to decide.

    The 80mm Rodagon is like, $800, right? So why would you go through the hassle of using that lens, when for a little more you can get an 80mm Schneider Digitar Makro with a copal shutter on regular Horseman/Sinar lensboards?

  2. #12

    Re: Lens for Horseman LD SLR View Accessory

    Thanks for that, Robert. I just picked up a Horseman 4x5 on E-Bay. I don't know if it's an LE, but it looks similar to another listing which is described as an LE.

    If you don't mind, I'd like to get some more advice. If I get the accessory above for the Canon, do I have substantially the same as the LD? Is the accessory a direct "bolt-on" or will I have to do some surgery? Are there any more pieces I need to put it together?

    When using this setup with a Canon DSLR, how do I make the exposure? Do I preset the aperture, and use B(ulb) on the LF lens?

    Appreciate any advice you can give. I may eventually wind up with a digital back for it, but the Canon will get me started.

  3. #13

    Re: Lens for Horseman LD SLR View Accessory

    Well, it turns out the slr adapter is not available, so I'm gonna hafta build it. I've found the camera mounts, and now I'm looking for a source for a short bag-type bellows. I'm thinking I can make one from a changing bag.

  4. #14

    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Palo Alto, CA, USA

    Re: Lens for Horseman LD SLR View Accessory

    I'm not familiar with the different Horseman models but some will use Sinar pieces. If you haven't already turned your camera mounts into a back, an already made version probably exists
    ebay Sinar-EOS adapter

    Sinar sold an Olympus zoom lens (35-80mm) for use on it's cameras. I saw a picture of the Sinar lensboard which mounted the Olympus lens. It looked like it had a normal Olympus bayonet mount on the lens board. I've seldom seen them but it might be possible to track one down. You should be able to use the 135/4.5, 80/4, or 50mm Olympus macro lenses if you could find the lens board.

    Jeff Keller

    You might also be able to use a Sinar bag bellows on your Horseman. With a DSLR as your "film" you probably won't be close to 1:1 except for rings or views of individual gems. You might not need a bag bellows.

  5. #15

    Re: Lens for Horseman LD SLR View Accessory

    I've already bought that mount you referenced, and another, both from Shanghai. I've got the one already. I bought a bag bellows on e-Bay. I have a cheap 105mm lens which I'm using for evaluation. The main problem I'm having is that the lenses of focal length I need are too short focused to use on this arrangement. I've found some recessed lens boards which I have bought on e-bay, and I'll try those when they come in.

    I'm actually doing pretty good for a LF beginner so far, it's just that everything is trial and error. Things will be better when the bag bellows gets here because I can start doing some tests.

    Thanks for the advice. When I get this rig working, I'll post some pictures, (if possible).

  6. #16

    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Palo Alto, CA, USA

    Re: Lens for Horseman LD SLR View Accessory

    If your setup works reasonably well getting a longer lens such as a G-Claron 150mm or 210mm would probably give you enough bellows extension to have plenty of movement.

    Even using a 120/220 roll film back on a LF tends to bring up minimum extension problems. Ebony Cameras (SW series) seem to have the shortest minimum extension.

    Good luck and I hope you get good results and are able to post some pictures.

    Jeff Keller

  7. #17

    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Northern Virginia

    Re: Lens for Horseman LD SLR View Accessory

    Hi Dennis,
    Was the Canon Horseman accessory attachment not available? That sucks.

    If you do happen to get your hands on one, all you have to do is unscrew the two knobs that are on the side of the rear square frame, then remove the frame, and the accessory attaches the same way as the rear frame would attach (just slide it on, and tighten the screws.) Yes, it would be identical to the the LD camera package that costs $2,400 or something.

  8. #18

    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Northern Virginia

    Re: Lens for Horseman LD SLR View Accessory

    Quote Originally Posted by Dennis_Vied View Post
    When using this setup with a Canon DSLR, how do I make the exposure? Do I preset the aperture, and use B(ulb) on the LF lens?
    Doesn't matter what the lens' shutter is set to, because you're not using the shutter on the lens, you'll be using the electronic shutter in the DSLR. You just need the shutter to be open, and then set the aperture to whatever you want, and then have the DSLR set to manual, then set the shutter speed on the DSLR (or focus with the lens wide open, then close down to the desired aperture just before you take the exposure).

    With a digital back, you WILL be using the shutter on the lens, so you will need to set shutter speed and aperture on the actual lens.

  9. #19

    Re: Lens for Horseman LD SLR View Accessory

    Well, I got the bag bellows, but now the standards themselves bottom out before reaching minimum focus. I've ordered some recessed lens boards to see if that helps. I also remember seeing a bellows for SLRs which had an intermediate lens for use with short focus lenses. I have a 24mm Canon T/S. I think it has an intermediate lens. I'm wondering if I can make use of that as an intermediate lens. But, it looks like I'm gonna be limited to about 150mm as the shortest usable lens as of now.

  10. #20

    Re: Lens for Horseman LD SLR View Accessory

    I notice the LD accessory has a bellows which has a front frame but no rear frame. That should help give more room for movement.

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