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Thread: Strobe with 8x10

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Johnson City, TN

    Strobe with 8x10

    Hey all, I recently borrowed an alien bee 400w strobe and am going to be using it for indoors shots. I'm shooting with a 210mm lens and I checked distances today, and at full power around 10ft away, I'm at 1/60 at f16-22. Will this be adequate for my film size? I've read in other sites that some people use 1000w+ strobes. Does anyone have experience using strobes with 8x10?

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Seattle area, WA

    Re: Strobe with 8x10

    I don't think film size matters. What matters is if you are getting the f number you want. If you're not getting a high enough number you can do multiple flash pops (assuming static subjects), or use a higher ISO film, OR get more strobes of higher power.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Re: Strobe with 8x10

    If your reading is f16, and you set your aperture to f16 then you will be fine, assuming that f16 will give you the DOF you require.

    More power is needed to compensate for losses in diffusers such as a softbox or for greater distances.

  4. #4

    Re: Strobe with 8x10

    Be sure to check your bellows extension. It is very easy for 8x10 to slip into the macro.

  5. #5
    Big Negs Rock!
    Join Date
    Mar 2000

    Re: Strobe with 8x10

    I'll second the bellows factor. I shoot 1:1 and larger all of the time with a 210 Repro Claron. I try to shoot at least at a F/32. On my last shot I used a Quad head with 9600 WS (3 Speedotrons) to get the stop.
    Mark Woods

    Large Format B&W
    Cinematography Mentor at the American Film Institute
    Past President of the Pasadena Society of Artists
    Director of Photography
    Pasadena, CA

  6. #6
    Big Negs Rock!
    Join Date
    Mar 2000

    Re: Strobe with 8x10

    The last shoot was with my 11x14.
    Mark Woods

    Large Format B&W
    Cinematography Mentor at the American Film Institute
    Past President of the Pasadena Society of Artists
    Director of Photography
    Pasadena, CA

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Re: Strobe with 8x10

    I made do with one Speedotron 4800 WS Power supply with two heads, which was, IMHO, bare-bones for my 8x10 camera. Typically, I had to use multiple pops for still life shots. It was not usable for portrait work.

    I had heard that, in the day, Playboy magazine used between 20 and 30 - 4800 WS Speedotrons for their 8x10 centerfold shots.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    Re: Strobe with 8x10

    Power to burn is nice but if f/16 with a 210mm on 8x10 works for you -- and why shouldn't it? -- then you're all set. You'll probably get a nice focus isolation and out of focus rendering at moderate distances.

    If you do some sort of close work you'll lose some light due to bellows factor.

    For traditional still life and sharpness over a longer range, then most 8x10 shooters aim for f/32 or even smaller but you don't have to shoot like that. It's not 1983 and you don't have to shoot wine bottles on black Plexiglass either.

  9. #9
    runs a monkey grinder Steve M Hostetter's Avatar
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    Jul 2008
    Beech Grove Indiana

    Re: Strobe with 8x10

    shot this with an 8x10 and 210mm @ f32 ,,,, 8 pops of 3200 ws Broncolor 1 head

    broncolor meter and probe told me the number of pops I needed

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Hamilton, Canada

    Re: Strobe with 8x10

    Quote Originally Posted by Noah Booshu View Post
    Hey all, I recently borrowed an alien bee 400w strobe and am going to be using it for indoors shots. I'm shooting with a 210mm lens and I checked distances today, and at full power around 10ft away, I'm at 1/60 at f16-22. Will this be adequate for my film size? I've read in other sites that some people use 1000w+ strobes. Does anyone have experience using strobes with 8x10?
    Just to remind you your shutter speed has no effect on exposure. and if you want more power, move your light closer to the subject (inverse square law). I wonder if your 10 feet is the camera to subject distance which also has no relationship to exposure.

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