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Thread: What 8x10 lens do I need for full face portraits like this?

  1. #11

    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: What 8x10 lens do I need for full face portraits like this?

    300mm or 360mm sounds likely. The lens is somewhat wide for portraiture, based on the shape of the face. The lighting is pretty obvious from looking in the eyes, two huge soft lights very close to the face, serving as both a wash of very even, shadowless light and eyelights (the "window to the soul").

    Save money and shoot it on 4x5! You'll need 1/4 the light and film will be cheaper, too. (Just saying this since I don't have an 8x10.)

  2. #12

    Join Date
    Jul 1998
    Lund, Sweden

    Re: What 8x10 lens do I need for full face portraits like this?

    Cheaper and more fun: 8x10 and an Aero-Ektar wide open:

  3. #13

    Join Date
    May 2001

    Re: What 8x10 lens do I need for full face portraits like this?

    Martin Schoeller used neon lights for his book close ups and he told in a interview he was always only "exakt 63,5 Zentimeter" 63,5cm from the faces away wis hes lens!
    He use shorter then normal lenses if I remember correctly!

    Cheers Armin

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2001

    Re: What 8x10 lens do I need for full face portraits like this?

    there is a video of him shooting one of
    the female body builders

    ... in an interview with smithsonian
    he mentions that some of those portraits
    are done with a medium format camera .

  5. #15

    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Nuremberg Germany

    Re: What 8x10 lens do I need for full face portraits like this?

    Quote Originally Posted by Armin Seeholzer View Post
    Martin Schoeller used neon lights for his book close ups and he told in a interview he was always only "exakt 63,5 Zentimeter" 63,5cm from the faces away wis hes lens!
    He use shorter then normal lenses if I remember correctly!
    Not much shorter.

    If the subject distance is 635 mm and the magnification is 1 the focal-lenght is approx. 300mm.


  6. #16
    Scott Davis
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Washington DC

    Re: What 8x10 lens do I need for full face portraits like this?

    I'd look for a Kodak Commercial Ektar either the 12" or 14" version. Super-sharp lens where you need it to be, and beautiful transitions to creamy out-of-focus areas.

  7. #17
    -Rob Robert Skeoch's Avatar
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    Burlington, Ontario

    Re: What 8x10 lens do I need for full face portraits like this?

    Why not give it a try.

    I have a studio outside of Toronto. You can try it here if you like. I have an 8x10, a selection of lenses and could come up with a couple softboxes in the cupboard somewhere.... give it a try.

    Just bring a model.

    I would suggest a shorter lens though.... bellows extension/factor would make it hard to manage.


  8. #18

    Re: What 8x10 lens do I need for full face portraits like this?

    I take back my previous comment after looking through the video, Strobist commentary, and then Smithsonian article. After reading I see that the catch lights are clearly not softboxes, but florescent banks. In the video they are some sort of strip light (not sure which). Considering the small room he uses in the video, I can't imagine he could use anything but a 300mm or shorter lens. His back is pretty much up against the wall.

    His technique of flipping through 8x10 holders (see the assistant in the back reloading in a changing tent?) and rapport (constant chatter and comforting questions) with subject are really great. I have no great love of his style, but his expertise is unquestionable.

  9. #19

    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: What 8x10 lens do I need for full face portraits like this?

    If you want that look of roundness in the face, you should use a 10 lens. Longer lenses will flatten out the face.

  10. #20
    runs a monkey grinder Steve M Hostetter's Avatar
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    Beech Grove Indiana

    Re: What 8x10 lens do I need for full face portraits like this?

    Quote Originally Posted by Struan Gray View Post
    Cheaper and more fun: 8x10 and an Aero-Ektar wide open:
    fun to scroll down fast... nice shots!

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