I'm developing Tmax film in TMax-RS in BTZS tubes. The TMax-RS comes in a kit th at makes 1 gallon of working solution. Has anyone tried diluting that working so lution further for use in tubes?

Darkroom Inovations recommends tossing the developer after one use. With 2oz. us ed per 4x5 neg., that will yeild only 64 negatives per gallon of developer. For both economic and ecologic reasons, it seems like I should be able to extend tha t more, don't you think?

I'm still doing testing to find personal ASA numbers, so I can play around a bit with times and concentrations. Can you suggest any guidelines as to the ratio o f dilution verses development time? If I dilute the developer by 50%, should I d ouble the time? Or, are the Tmax films and developers just too sensitive to mess around like that?

Finally, how long do you keep your fixer for? If I'm only doing 5 or 6 negs, I h ate to toss 16oz of fixer down the drain (which is what I've been doing). Should I poor that back into a bottle for reuse?

Thanks for your replies,