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Thread: 10 stop ND filter? What happened?

  1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2006

    10 stop ND filter? What happened?

    I bought a screw-on 10 stop ND filter to use with a 150mm ssxl lens and I exposed 4 sheets of 7x17 HP5 sheets last weekend. I rated the film at 200 and metered the scene, rocks and ocean in the sunlit afternoon, through the filter and I came out of my darkroom two days ago with 4 blank sheets. I mean, nothing at all! No light hitting the film at all for the entire 2 minutes at f/45.

    Anybody have experience with these 10 stoppers? Maybe I will try to use it with my WP camera first and double the exposing time. I hate to waste large sheets of film.

  2. #2
    Robert A. Zeichner's Avatar
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    Re: 10 stop ND filter? What happened?

    based on the "Sunny-16" rule, at an ISO of 200 and at an aperture of f45, a typical exposure should have been 4 seconds at f 45. Sounds like something other than the filter assuming the filter was truly a 10 stop ND.

  3. #3

    Re: 10 stop ND filter? What happened?


  4. #4

    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: 10 stop ND filter? What happened?

    I think your exposure was much too short. I may be wrong, but a four second exposure with no filter would translate into a 68-minute exposure with a 10-stop filter (4 seconds * 2^10 / 60 sec/min = 68.3 minutes). Taking reciprocity error into account this might be more like two or four hours (or way more) for a proper exposure.

    I think a 10 stop ND might be a little extreme for use on ULF.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Re: 10 stop ND filter? What happened?

    Well, what else did you expect? 10 stops is 10 stops, Policar is right. 10 ND I used when photographing the passing of Venus in front of the Sun, with 800 mm lens and a solar filter - directly into the Sun. Then only the exposure was of a few seconds, if even at some f16... (it was optical density 5, Black polymer, Thousand Oaks solar filter, 1/1000th of 1% light reduction - 0.001%)

  6. #6

    Join Date
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    San Mateo, California

    Re: 10 stop ND filter? What happened?

    Quote Originally Posted by Hugo Zhang View Post
    I bought a screw-on 10 stop ND filter to use with a 150mm ssxl lens and I exposed 4 sheets of 7x17 HP5 sheets last weekend. I rated the film at 200 and metered the scene, rocks and ocean in the sunlit afternoon, through the filter and I came out of my darkroom two days ago with 4 blank sheets. I mean, nothing at all! No light hitting the film at all for the entire 2 minutes at f/45.

    Anybody have experience with these 10 stoppers? Maybe I will try to use it with my WP camera first and double the exposing time. I hate to waste large sheets of film.
    Sounds like your metering through the filter was not a good idea. I don't think many meters perform well at low light levels, and a small light leak could throw off the results.

    I'd meter the scene then apply the ten stops of compensation. THEN figure out reciprocity.

  7. #7
    Resident Heretic Bruce Watson's Avatar
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    Re: 10 stop ND filter? What happened?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jack Dahlgren View Post
    Sounds like your metering through the filter was not a good idea. I don't think many meters perform well at low light levels, and a small light leak could throw off the results.

    I'd meter the scene then apply the ten stops of compensation. THEN figure out reciprocity.

    Bruce Watson

  8. #8

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    Re: 10 stop ND filter? What happened?

    +1 to Bruce & Jack. I frequently use Rollei IR film, rated at ISO 6 in bright sun, and tack on a 6 or 10-stop ND (over an R72). Exposures in broad daylight are 4 or 8 minutes. -ish. Maybe up to half-hour depending on aperture. (Disclaimer: this is on 120 rollfilm in Mamiya 7. Haven't used the Rollei in 4x5 sheets yet.)

    So yeah, I would think you should have registered something with 2 mins. f/45 and 200 ISO. In fact it might have even been over-exposed. (or, slightly under after maybe 1-2 stops reciprocity and bellows factor.)

  9. #9
    hacker extraordinaire
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    Re: 10 stop ND filter? What happened?

    I'd meter the scene then apply the ten stops of compensation. THEN figure out reciprocity.

    Many light meters use silicon elements that are IR sensitive and most likely, even a 10-stop ND filter will pass IR. I know ND Lee lighting gels are completely transparent to IR, because I use them as IR filters for IR photography.

    EDIT: If it were me using the 10-stop ND, I wouldn't be using a light meter at all, and I would have given 10 seconds to 1 minute of exposure with TMAX 400. If your sheets were totally blank, it I would look into something besides exposure.
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  10. #10

    Join Date
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    Austin TX

    Re: 10 stop ND filter? What happened?

    Hugo, it doesn't make sense. You should have been alright from what you describe, except for what might be serious reciprocity failure.

    120 sec. - f/45 - ASA200

    By the rough sunny 16 rule that's:

    1/8 sec - f/45 - ASA 200 without the 10 stop ND.

    Or by sunny 16 (1/ASA):

    1/125 sec - f/16 - ASA 200.

    Need to estimate reciprocity failure and possibly some gross error?

    Nate Potter, Austin TX.

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